bang bang 🤫

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Tom stared at me showing no emotion and didn't put any effort into showing me any. "How come your back?" He scoffed and I moved a shaky arm to move Anna off. I glared at Tom and I spoke. "What's that suppose to mean?" I glared and he rolled his eyes again. "I don't see why you came back. Your chic dosnt like you and the chic you dated multiple times keeps trying to get you back...fucking let it go!" Tom spoke in a stern tone and I slowly moved myself up but Gustav and Bill held me down. "Aye aye laying down for us. Ignore Tom OK?" Gustav said then Bill spoke. "I'll go speak to Tom..." Bill then walked over to Tom and dragged him out the room.


"Your so fucking messed up. What's your problem. He's just woken up for fuck sake and you do this!" I yelled and Tom rolled his eyes. "It's the truth"

om glared at me and I lost it. I punch him in the face and I growl. "Your so fucking messed up! Fix yourself! Your forced Anna to like you and date you thinking it was a good thing! Now look at you! All moody and acting like a complete dick! Fucking sort yourself!" I yell and Tom slapped me. "Watch who your slapping you fa-" before he could say anything I cover his mouth. " not finish that." I whisper and I groaned. "Why are we doing this. Look I understand its Georg but all I'm saying is just be happy he's OK and Anna is happy. Let them be a thing again...ok?" I whisper and Tom rolled his eyes. "Whatever fuck off its just...I've dated most of the girls in our year and I'm pissed that Georg pulled someone as pretty as Anna. Why can't he go back to Rose like he always did." He scoffed and I sigh. "He's happy. If he's happy he's happy. Now stop and let it go." I groan. We was silent for a minute until I hear a bang.


I look around to see Anna and I'm happy. I have Gustav next to me. Anna's face infront of mine and I'm happy. It feels nice and calming. "I'm so glad your ok.." Anna whispered and Gustav nods. I smile and I hug Anna tightly bit she slowly pulled away from the hug. "Watch the wires." She whispered and I nod. "We can't have that traumatic thing happen to you again..." Gustav added and I nod. I sigh and I whisper. "Thanks guys...for helping me and staying with me..." the 2 nodded and I feel really safe. I looked around and Gustav smirked. "Are you both getting back together or?" I look at Anna and I shrug. "Probaly seem more happier with Tom. I don't want to get in the way." Anna shook her head. "No...I don't want see...i-" Anna was cut off by a loud bang. With that Bill and Tom ran back in and they look like they are terrified.

"A shooting...or something..." Bill yelled and Tom shown a bullet. "Oh my fuckjng god..." Gustav spoke in shock and he looked at the bullet. Anna looked at it aswel and I'm just on the hospital bed. "Who would do this?" Anna said in fear but then Tom, Bill and Gustav look at me like I know the answer. "Wha- ohhhhh" I say in realisation. It was rather Rose or William. They all groan and then we hear the banging get louder. I look at everyone in fear and then I watched as Tom grabbed Anna's arm. "Come with me." He said sternly and I groan. "Oi! Get off her!" I grunted and Tom smirked. "Make me! Your dead meat! You can't do anything!" He laughed before he dragged Anna out the ward. Causing her to scream in rather pain or fear. I yell "ANNA!" but it was to late. I look at Bill and Gustav clearly upset and I start to get out of bed. "Oi oi oi! Back into bed!" Gustav demanded and I shook mg head I pull the wires off me and I push past Gustav. I run faster than the wind over to where footsteps were. Another bang was heard and a girly scream was made. "ANNA??" I yell and I look around. I see Tom running with Anna and I try and run faster. "Fuck." I groan since I lose my breathe to quick. I groaned again and I yelled. "TOM GET HERE NOW YOU CUNT!" Tom turned around to see me a few ft away from him. "What are you going to do?" He laughed and my fists clenched. "Something I'll regret" I say with gritted teeth. Tom laughed harder. "Oh god don't make me laugh!" I was about to speak but then I hear another bang and before Anna could scream, tom put his hand over her mouth. "Shut it you little pest!" Tom groaned and I grab Anna's arm before I pull her close. "You little prick! That's my chic!" Tom yelled and I shook my head. "I had her first. She loved me!" I yell and Tom laughed hard again. "Do not make me laugh." He smirked and he took a step close. A loud bang was made again and Anna screamed. I hugged Anna and I whisper. "Shhh...its OK...I'm here..." Tom was really pissed when I whisperedbthat. He moved closer to me and he punched me ìn the back. "You little bitch!" He yelled and I did something I will never forget...

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