Episode 7

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Just then Jimin also came there.

Jimin - hey I'm busy in searching our passports and here u r playing with the diary huh !?

Tae - no need to worry...I already found it.

He handed the passports to Jimin but still had blank expression so jimin frowned by looking at him.

Jimin - what's with u ?? It looks like you are in a deep thought....and where did u find these ??

Tae - they were kept inside YN's diary....and here read the recent page of her diary. She has written that she loves one guy.

Jimin - what really !? Bro...that's why I was saying to clarify soon.

Tae - but she isn't in a relationship with him yet...she has written that she will confess him soon.

Jimin - before she could confess to him....u should confess to her first.

Tae - No... I'm really curious to know about that guy to whom YN likes. I'll wait for some more days.

At night -

YN woke up by yawning and found herself in Tae's room. She tried to remember and then blushed by thinking what had happened here

YN - Taehyung !! Jimin !! ( Shouted )

Jimin - oo u woke up ?? Btw why did u wake up ? It's already night...we thought u would directly wake up in the morning.

YN - haha...ok then I'm going to my room now. I'll sleep again as I have nothing to do now.

She was about to go but Tae held her wrist while she looked at him.

Tae - umm I wanted to ask that why did u keep our passports in your diary ??

YN - ohh actually when I was arranging your room today....I found these passports in the drawer but as it is too important so I thought to keep it with myself safely otherwise you would have lost it due to your messy and careless nature.

Jimin - well done YN....u are right. This careless person would have lost it as his room is always messy.

YN - haha btw I'm sorry....I was about to inform u but I forgot. Anyways I'm gonna sleep now.

By saying this she went to her room and slept.

Next day -

In morning Tae was getting ready in his room while YN came there.

YN - ahh in which direction did the sun rise today ? ( dramatic )

Tae - wdym ? Don't u know sun rises in east and sets in west.

YN - but I guess today it rose in west direction.

Tae - uhh...what ? ( Confused )

YN - dumbo....u r already awake in this early morning today so that's why I said like this. You don't have any sense of humour.

Tae - why r u puzzling me up ? Anyways I have to get ready soon

YN - are u going somewhere ? Won't u have your breakfast ?

Tae - No...today I have really an important mission. I have to catch them today at any cost.

YN - is Jimin also going with u ?

Tae - ofcourse...we are teammates so we have to work on the mission together.

YN - can't I go with u too ??

Tae - No...Just stay here I have hired many bodyguards in this villa today so no need to worry. I have also hired maids for today who will take care of u.

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