Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Busted

Sarah heard a timid knock and rolled over to face the door. Sharp pain shot up her leg and reminded her of the previous day's nightmare. First, cows and winding roads, followed by azure eyes, airhead sisters, a grizzled old cowboy, a white-haired doctor, a sweet teenage girl, and that horrible feeling of helplessness. Oh, God, why me? She turned her head into her pillow when she heard the door creak open. The thought of Sage seeing her at her worst made her push her face deeper into it. She heard Julie's voice.

"Um, good morning Miss Sarah. My ride to school will be here in a few minutes. Is there anything I can get for you?"

Sarah shook her head still crammed into her pillow. She heard the door close and peeked toward the sound of shuffling feet.

Julie slowly approached, biting her lower lip. Sarah lifted her head from the pillow to look at her. The girl was biting so hard Sarah thought her lip might bleed.

Timidly, Julie said, "Can I ask you something?"

Sarah nodded.

In a rush, she asked, "Are you Mims Murphy?"

Crap! Sarah slowly nodded again and Julie hastened to the side of the bed. She started to say something else, and then ran across the room to grab the stool in front of the vanity. She carried it back to the bed and sat down.

"O...M...G! I can't believe it. I love your books and I can't wait for Dream Kisses to be released. When my dad said he posed for the cover, I couldn't believe it. He won't let me read grown-up romance books 'cause he still thinks of me as a little girl. I get your books from my friend Tooty. I've read all of them. You're my favorite author. This is so cool--Mims Murphy is staying at my house! I can't wait to tell Tooty!" The one-sided conversation spewed from Julie like a volcano.

"No," Sarah croaked. "Please don't tell anyone I'm here. I...I...don't feel up to meeting anyone."

Julie scrunched her forehead, "Not even Tooty? She won't tell. I'll make her swear."

Sarah reached and placed her hand on top of Julie's. "Let's keep it our secret for now."

Julie looked at Sarah's hand on top of hers and then smiled. "Okay. I won't tell anyone. It'll be kinda mysterious with only you, me, and Dad knowing. He said I shouldn't tell anyone either. I don't always listen to what he says 'cause...well...'cause he's my dad and too old-fashioned."

Sarah almost choked. Sage Tanner, the gorgeous model of women's fantasies is too old fashioned? Give me a break. When Sarah thought about Sage, a fresh wave of anger washed over her. Even though he'd been nice throughout her ordeal, he was still a patronizing jerk.

"My dad said I needed to help you go to the bathroom." At the mention of bathroom, Sarah's bladder felt like it was going to burst. Slowly she attempted to sit up with Julie eagerly assisting. When she sat on the side of the bed with her feet barely touching the floor, Julie placed a crutch on either side of her. Sarah put all of her weight on her good leg and pulled herself up with the crutches. The pain in her sprained ankle shot to the top of her head. A little yelp escaped.

"Do you want me to get my dad?" Julie's anxious voice penetrated her pain fog.

"No! No! I can do this with your help."

With Julie hovering, Sarah crutched her way to the bathroom. Once they were there, Julie said, "I really need to help you sit. I promise I won't look. I'll look at the wall."

Sarah wanted to shriek with laughter; the way her bladder felt, Newt could join Julie and she wouldn't care.

While Sarah accomplished her business, Julie asked if she wanted anything from her suitcases. Sarah described her small carry case and Julie rushed to retrieve it.

A car horn beeped. "That's Tooty and her mom." Julie set the travel case on the edge of the tub.

"You run along. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Of course. Have a great day at school and thanks for your help."

Julie smiled. "I can't wait to talk some more! When I get home, I'll help you unpack your things. See ya later." Before closing the bathroom door, she gave Sarah a brilliant smile.

Sarah smiled back. She liked Julie. Too bad she couldn't stand her father.

Sighing, she reached for her crutches and got off the pot.

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