chapter four, moon six

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Thrushpaw held his breath at the sight of the threatening stone that reeked of chemicals. He hid in the bushes further back from the Stone River, behind his clanmates, away from all danger.

He thought Floweringpaw was standing too close to the Stone River, her paws practically touching the sharp rocks that filled it. Thrushpaw prayed for her safety.

"Floweringpaw, get back," Thrushpaw heard Sunclaw say, to his relief. "We don't want you getting hurt by a Monster."

Speak of the devil, Thrushpaw thought, as one of the treacherous creatures Sunclaw had mentioned appeared on the east side of the Stone River, thundering towards them. Floweringpaw shuffled back a mouse length as the Monster's spinning paws came flying past her, leaving a nasty stench in the air. Thrushpaw coughed.

The Stone River marked where the peacefulness of the forest ended. Not only was the landmark itself very dangerous, but the ruthless JadeClan made their home on the other side.

"Alright, where to next, Sunclaw?" Thunderleg asked, seemingly ready to get himself (and the apprentices) away from the Stone River. Thrushpaw relaxed his tensed shoulders and he backed up further into the shelter of the forest.

"That was terrifying," Thrushpaw commented. Briarpaw nodded without saying anything.

"Oh please, you just hid in the bushes the whole time like a scared kit!" Floweringpaw teased, hur fur reeking of the Stone River.

"Well, unlike some cats, I don't want to spend my apprenticeship dead."

"Easy, you two," Sunclaw warned, resting his tail on a battle-ready Floweringpaw.

Thrushpaw's sister relaxed, letting out a smile. "Sunclaw, we were just playing," Floweringpaw reassured the older warrior, backing away from Thrushpaw.

"If you say so," Sunclaw murmured before turning to Thunderleg. "Why don't we show them the Silverpools, next?"

Thunderleg nodded and flicked his tail, motioning the three apprentices to follow him further back into the forest. The group walked in silence for a while before Briarpaw spoke.

"What are the Silverpools?" Briarpaw asked Sunclaw.

"Why don't you see for yourself," Sunclaw replied, as he descended a large slope. The other hills around them all sloped down into multiple divots in the land. In each place where the ground lowered, clear, clean water pooled.

Like several tiny little ponds, Thrushpaw observed, slowly pacing around each pool. A few fox-lengths away from where he was, a small mouse drank from the water. Thrushpaw decided to leave it be, it looked young, was too small for a full meal, and they had enough prey at camp already. Thrushpaw couldn't even hunt properly yet.

Floweringpaw bent down to lick the water. "What does it taste like?" Briarpaw asked before Floweringpaw stood up again.

"Water," she replied. "Mouse-brain." Floweringpaw swatted Briarpaw's ear playfully.

Briarpaw stood on her hind legs and used both of her forepaws to flick away at Floweringpaw. The she-cats giggled together while Thrushpaw stood silenced, left alone with his thoughts.

What happens if these pools go dry? Thrushpaw wondered, noticing the shallowness of most of the ponds. Would we venture into MoonstoneClan for a drink? Would Applestar do that?

Lost in his mind, Thrushpaw was not prepared when a giggling ball of gray fur crashed into him. He and Floweringpaw tumbled around, leaving Thrushpaw lying on his back, dazed.

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