chapter fourteen, moon ten

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"Sorry about your friend, Flower," Longpaw comforted, pressing his head into Floweringpaw's flank. "Seems like he was a great warrior."

Floweringpaw nodded. "Yeah. It's crazy. It happened so fast. Briarpaw gave Viperstrike a good beating after, though."

It hurt to talk. Floweringpaw's throat was so dry, she was almost certain it was filling up with sand. She blinked gratefully at Longpaw, who had brought her a wad of moss full of water.

"I've noticed Willowtuft cross our borders a few times to bring back water. Daystar doesn't care. She said Algaefur is letting her," the tom said, giving Floweringpaw's fur a lick.

"It's mostly for the queens," Floweringpaw replied. "Although Ebonyheart is the only one who needs it most. Flickerdrop is just staying in there, even now that Rustpaw is an apprentice."

Longpaw nodded. "Has Adderfur mentioned anything about you becoming a warrior yet?"

Floweringpaw shook her head. "No. Morningpaw and Puddlepaw aren't even warriors. Why?"

"I think I heard Dovenettle and Daystar talking about it the other day." Longpaw shrugged.

"Aren't you a little young?" Floweringpaw inquired.

Longpaw laughed, getting to his paws to show off battle moves toward an imaginary opponent. "Well, I'm just such a good fighter, they can't resist!"

Floweringpaw couldn't resist. Yes, meeting Longpaw was wrong, but they weren't doing any harm. Besides, what good toms were there in LavenderClan, anyway? Thistlefang was taken, Hailpelt was dead, and Thrushpaw was her brother.

With each day that passed since the battle, the days had started to become cooler. The wind that rustled through the slowly changing leaves was refreshing, and Floweringpaw clothed her eyes to bathe in it and breathe in Longpaw's scent. Hopefully, this cooler weather will bring rain.

"Are you coming to the gathering tomorrow?" Longpaw asked, breaking the silence.

Floweringpaw nodded. "I think. Are you?"

Longpaw nodded as well. He stretched out his forelegs, then his back. "I should probably head back."

"Me too. I hope Adderfur isn't looking for me," Floweringpaw agreed, getting to her paws. "See you tomorrow?"

"Of course, Flower."

Floweringpaw stayed sitting down as she watched her best friend take long, bounding steps into MoonstoneClan territory. Part of the gray she-cat wanted to follow him, to run away from her clan, to have a family, to-

"Floweringpaw! Oh stars, I was looking everywhere for you!"

Floweringpaw whipped around, jumping out of her skeleton. The cheery face of a silver she-cat stared back at her, her back half still hidden in the foliage.

"Stella! Hi! I was just-"

Stella stepped fully out of the leaves. "Checking the border? Good, we don't want MoonstoneClan to attack us as well." The she-cat spun and walked, beckoning Floweringpaw to follow her.

Floweringpaw jumped over a thick log, trying to keep up with Stella. "What did you need?"

"Adderfur and Ivylight are training me, you, and Rustpaw," Stella explained, practically dragging her through the forest. Sure enough, a couple of paces later, Floweringpaw came face-to-face with Adderfur.

"Finally decided to show up?" Adderfur asked, not looking for an answer. "Want to start with some hunting techniques?" He asked Ivylight.

The deputy snorted. "With what prey? Better to let Firsky do all the hunting."

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