chapter THIRTEEN, moon nine

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The clan mourned for three days before Applestar called the next meeting. Thrushpaw knew it would be hard to make Thistlepaw and Hazelpaw warriors after Hailpelt died, but it had to be done.

He could tell Briarpaw wasn't okay. He saw how she fought and almost killed Viperstrike. He knew it was Moonstar. He was a fighter.

Thrushpaw did not know Hailpelt that well. He saw him in the apprentice den and sometimes went on patrol with him. He was Hazelpaw's brother and a hell of a good warrior.

But now Hailpelt's presence over the forest was slowly vanishing, and the only thing to do was to slowly move on.

Why? Thrushpaw cursed. Why did JadeClan attack? Why did Applestar send Owlhaze and Adderfur purposefully to start a fight?

"Cats of LavenderClan young and old, gather under the Low Tree for a meeting under the stars," Applestar called.

Under the stars. Thrushpaw looked up at the morning sky. No stars. But he knew Hailpelt was up there. Maybe he met Moonstar.

"We gather here today, not in grief, but in celebration. Thistlepaw and Hazelpaw have both shown excellent skill in their warrior training these past few moons and now they will follow in their brother's footsteps in receiving their warrior name."

Thistlepaw stood proudly at the base of the Low Tree, his dark ginger fur laid perfectly over his muscular pelt, his head held high. Hazelpaw was less confident; the once-lively she-cat was now emotionless.

"I, Applestar, leader of LavenderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to learn and understand the ways of your code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." Applestar smiled down at the two apprentices.

"Hazelpaw." The ginger she-cat looked up, her green eyes filled with anticipation and sadness.

"Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at..." Applestar cleared his throat. "Even at the cost of your life?"

Hazelpaw gulped. "Yes, sir. I do."

Applestar raised his tan head, proudly looking down at Hazelpaw. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Hazelpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Hazelfeather. StarClan honors your spirit and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of LavenderClan.

"Thistlepaw, do you, as well, promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan?" Thrushpaw noticed he purposefully left out the last part this time.

Thistlepaw kept a stern expression. "I do."

Applestar nodded. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Thistlepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Thistlefang. StarClan honors your ferocity and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of LavenderClan."

The cheering was quiet at first, but slowly got louder and louder. "Hazelfeather! Thistlefang! Hazelfeather! Thistlefang!" Thrushpaw joined in.

Briarpaw especially seemed ecstatic about the new warriors. She cheered Thistlefang's name loud and proud, and the new warrior smiled fondly at Thrushpaw's sister.

Floweringpaw started cheering next to Thrushpaw, except she was different. "Hazelfeather! Thistlefang! Hailpelt!" she chanted, not forgetting the fallen tom.

Everybody else joined in with Floweringpaw. Thrushpaw realized he might just be hearing the first time the name 'Hailpelt' was said with joy. He started cheering himself.

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