chapter five, moon six (A)

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The full moon, placed delicately in the starry night sky, shined down on LavenderClan. As the last patrol returned, cats started to awaken from their naps. They were preparing for the Gathering.

Floweringpaw had to beg Ivylight to allow her to attend the Gathering after her encounter with MoonstoneClan. Luckily, Thunderleg had been by her aid; however, Sunclaw was not that happy with her. Ivylight had agreed to let Floweringpaw go if one of her siblings stayed behind.

"I'll stay," Thrushpaw offered. "I'm exhausted, anyway." Floweringkit knew there was no way in the stars that Thrushpaw could be more tired than her, but she gratefully accepted his offer anyway.

"Thanks, Thrushpaw!" she said, beaming a smile at her brother. He didn't need to go to the Gathering anyway, it would freak him out too much. Floweringpaw knew it was for the best.

Briarpaw nudged her sister. "We need to clean out your pelt before the Gathering. You are representing LavenderClan, after all."

"Fiiiiinneeeee," Floweringpaw groaned. She hated having her fur groomed; it took too long and it hurt when the thorns got pulled out. Floweringpaw found it was easier to just let the ecosystem grow in her pelt, rather than removing it.

Floweringpaw watched as Briarpaw padded over to the medicine den to retrieve Juniperpaw, her brown tail swaying calmly as she walked.

Someone dropped a fat mouse at her paws. Floweringpaw looked up to see the ginger build of Hazelpaw smiling down at her. Hazelpaw sat down in front of Floweringpaw, wrapping her tail around her forepaws.

"Thought you might be hungry," Hazelpaw commented. She had her prey in front of her; a large shrew. Next to Thrushpaw, Hazelpaw looked almost identical to Floweringpaw's brother. They both had bright ginger fur and green eyes, but Hazelpaw had longer fur and a narrow face.

"Thanks, Hazelpaw!" Floweringpaw mewed, expressing her gratitude toward her friend. She lowered herself to take a bite out of her mouse, but before she could, Floweringpaw felt a tug on her fur.

"Ow, Briarpaw!" She yelped, swatting her sister away.

"Y'all said if we gotter of -er guard it woulda been easier!" Juniperpaw exclaimed before biting down on a thorn in Floweringpaw's fur.

"Yeah, well don't catch her off her guard again, or she's gonna bite your head off!" Floweringpaw mumbled, flailing dramatically at every tug at her fur.

Briarpaw started to help Juniperpaw pick at Floweringpaw's pelt, who bent down to finally take a bite out of her mouse. Floweringpaw hadn't realized how hungry she was after the long day of training.

It had been three days since the start of her apprenticeship, and Floweringpaw hadn't had one day off. Add on extra chores assigned by Applestar due to Floweringpaw's poor judgment at the MoonstoneClan border. Today, Adderfur had taken Floweringpaw hunting. She hadn't caught a single thing.

"Briahpwrah! Thad hurphds!" Floweringpaw whined, mouth full of fresh-kill. She swallowed the prey. "How do you keep your pelt so nice?" She asked Hazelpaw.

Hazelpaw shrugged. "Exactly what you're doing right now. But I don't wait six moons to clean my fur," She added on the last part with a snicker. Floweringpaw rolled her eyes.

A light ginger pelt leaping up to the Low Tree kept Floweringpaw from making a sassy comment back at Hazelpaw. Applestar cleared his throat before announcing the formal greeting:

"Cats of LavenderClan young and old, gather under the Low Tree for a meeting held under StarClan," The old tom called, his voice surprisingly strong for his age. He sat upright on the large, outstretching branch, his head held regally to look out at his clan.

warriors: in the treesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora