One year apart - Part 2

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A call.

My phone rang, unknown caller, I let it rang.

A text message.

A voice message, it was him, it was his voice, only him saying "hello madam". After one year, he came back with a hello madam, I don't know what should I do, should I answer ? I knew I wanted answer from him, why did he leave me ? Why was he like this ? Why was he still texting me ? Why wouldn't he leave me alone ? I had millions of questions but I knew I needed to move on. But I couldn't.

What did he wanted ?

He said he just wants to know how was I doing? I didn't need to tell him how was I feeling. I don't need  him to know shit about me. But he knew me, he asked me to tell me everything. How was I feeling about him? Why was I mad, everything that I needed to get off my chest.

" I wish you had been honest with me from the start, and I know it's partly my fault too because I always held onto a part of me that kept hoping. I truly believed that one day, I wouldn't just be the girl you hook up with. Honestly, I've seen you make efforts for the people you've loved or wanted to be in a relationship with.

And I'm more frustrated with myself because you always told me before we started talking that you didn't want a relationship. I'm just being foolish. Truthfully, I don't even have a question for you.

I didn't block you because you hurt me, albeit unintentionally, but because I knew I'd be waiting for one of your messages or that I'd miss you. I would have liked to be the girl for whom you made efforts, but I know we can't have everything in life."

No response.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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