Sick - justin

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Your Pov

I don't feel very well, today my stomach hurt so much, I want to cry but it's not my period maybe I ate something bad. Few tears escape from my eyes because of the pain.

"Babe are you ok?" He said running towards me.

"No. My stomach hurts so much !!" I said crying. Justin gave me some medicine and laid down with me, i fall asleep on his chest.

"Babe do you feel better?"

"Yes, thank you."

But the next morning it's the same thing but this time i threw up and crying even more because of the pain.

"Y/n come."

"Where are we going?"

"To the doctor."

"Ugh okay."

Justin and I went to the doctor, he took my blood and asked me and Justin to wait.

"Can I ask you something ? In your family, do they already had cancer or malady ?" The doctor asked me.

"Yes, my mom died when I was born and she had a cancer that's why she died."

I was afraid because he asked this question I was looking at Justin right now he had tears in his eyes just because he asked this stupid question. My mom died when I was born and now I'm scared of having a child I don't really want to die and I always think, that if I wasn't here my mom will be here like I killed her, I always cry when I think of this.

"I'm sorry mrs but you have a cancer and you are pregnant, you won't die I mean you have to be strong. You have 50% to die and 50% to live so don't give up."

We went outside, because I needed fresh air. But the only thing I wanted to do it's cry.

Justin Bieber 

I feel like my world is falling apart I don't want to loose her, I love her so much she means everything to me, if she die I don't want to live in a world without her. I don't want to see a world without her beautiful smile.


"I'm scared Justin."

"Y/n I promise you everything will be alright ok fuck this cancer you are strong, and you won't die. I promise I will take care of you and nothing will happen to you and our baby. You will be a beautiful mom. I love you so much you know that. I always be here by your side."

"I love you Justin." I kissed her on the lips passionately.

"I'm gonna be a dad." I said whispering to myself.


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