Chapter 8 - Tummy Hurts

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🎶Play Song Above for the Vibes: Tummy Hurts - Renee Rapp & Coco Jones 🎶

They were right.. I need that closure.. I need to know why Jade did that to me and for so long.. I want to be in my niece's life too.. I love my sister.. I'm willing to forgive her.. I just want the truth..

I don't want that pain to consume me like it did Ace..He's a great man..but I can tell that he's still hurt inside because he feels alone..In the end, I hope that I'll be enough to heal his heart.

We both have enough baggage as is and I don't want to add to it..

My Mom, Olivia, and Asia all gave me solid advice about having children and maintaining a relationship. It was nice to hear all of their perspectives and some of the challenges they went through and how they got through them with their husbands..

When they began to tell me all about their sex stories.. My mom kept it simple because she knew I ain't want to hear about that shit between her and my dad.. But she definitely had no shame in asking about me and Ace.. I decided to grow up in that moment and be vulnerable..

I don't have any friends, and the only person I would have normally talked to about my sex life would have been Jade. So, I let go of all of my shyness, and let them know everything me and Ace did these last few days...

Asia: Two HOURS!? Girl, me and Carter can go on full blast for 40 minutes max! Oh my God!

Oliva: Girllll! Same! Maybe I need to convince Avery to go six months without getting any so we can come back strong as ever!

Asia & Olivia: *Laughs Hysterically*

Asia: Girl, you know Avery will NOT stand for that shit.

Olivia: Hell, I don't even think my ass can even stand for that shit. *giggles*

Mom: So, who was better? Ace or Black?

Me: Ace. Hands down... I can't BELIEVE I thought that me and Black had amazing sex. We had sex a lot, but it never lasted more than 10 minutes. Ever. A lot of that time Ace and I were kissing, rubbing and all-

Mom, Asia, Olivia: OH HELL NAWL!!

Olivia: You put up with that for 3 years?!

Asia: Girl, you were RIGHT to leave his ass immediately!

Me: Worst part is.. Black HATED giving head. He would just lick me for a few seconds and put it his d*ck in, got at it fast and then nut... He never took his time like Ace..

Olivia: Penalty! Flag on the play! Unnecessary Roughness!

Asia: Get him OUTTA Here!!

Mom, Olivia, Asia, Me: *Laughs Hysterically*

Olivia: So, did you go down on him?

Me: Yeah.. All the time.. I was caught up in love.. Thinking he loved me.. We were always going on trips.. He was always giving me gifts..I didn't pay attention to any of the red flags because I was just so happy that he picked me..

Asia: But Amirah! You are extremely beautiful! You could have picked anyone YOU wanted..

Olivia: Right! Your face card does NOT decline! You got a flat stomach, small waist, and fat ass!

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