Shepards Pie

16 2 0

8 Years Ago


"Morphia! Please, stop. I can't keep going like this." I beg Morphia Gaunt with tears running down my face, panting like a pathetic dog.

"You'll be done, when I say your done! Get up! Try again!" She shouts at me, aggressively pulling me to my feet.

I stumble but steady myself, my focus is all out of line, I'm trying extremely hard not to Vomit.

"It is my responsibility to get us into the repository to get that stupid bloody magic your withholding down there. You need to be strong enough to get it all. Right now, I'm not seeing that from you. We need that magic you like half breed. Now use your magic again, I want to see more determination, strength, power following through you." She says getting close to my face with her silver eyes. She has long straight, light blonde hair, and a pale complexion. She would look beautiful if she weren't demented.

"I cannot provide you those things if I'm half alive Morphia." I say with gritted teeth, trying to get under her skin.

"Morphia, enough for today. Athena please come with me." Alfred Magnolias says with a gentle smile, waving for me to follow him.

"Yes, sir." Morphia says with a twitch watching me angrily as I walk away from her.

"How have you been Fairing, dear?" Magnolias says with a smile.

"Just fine sir." I say curtly.

"You could use a good meal, come with me." He says linking his arm through mine leading the way.

"Where are we going sir?" I say feeling my spirits lift.

Magnolias winks at me and just keeps walking. Leaving us in silence as I follow him.

I have yet to be in the section of the headquarters, it is more elegant with its dark hallways, candlelight, red rugs with cherrywood hard flooring.

He leads me to an empty room with a table, he guides me inside. It's beautiful with a Chandelier, candles, elegant pantings, and wood floors. He pulls out the only chair by the table in the small room.

I look at him hesitantly making sure it's okay to sit.

"Go on, it's alright. This is where I dine." He says with a smile. He then snaps his fingers and food appears in the table right in front of me.

"Interesting choice, shepherds pies. Not my first choice, but enjoy. A butter beer, I did love my butterbeer back in the day. Well I will leave you to it. Enjoy your meal." He says leaving the room, stopping at the door way for a brief moment. "You're braver than you think Johnson, you can do this. Once we have whatever power lays in that repository, you and I will rule this world." He says with a small chuckle, leaving me completely alone.

Once I know he is completely gone, I look down at my food.

My mouth waters Instantly, it feels as if it's been years since I've had a proper meal. Let alone one of my favorites with Butter beer!

I chow down my food as slow as I can, trying to savor every bite. Heaven only knows when my next meal like this will be

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Present day


I head into Hogsmeade, I have only been here a couple of times with Salis back when we use have our head quarters here.

I keep my hood up on my cape, and keep to the shadows. People aren't a huge fan of me here. I plan on staying unnoticed, keeping my head down. My heels do make it more complex to walk here with uneven sidewalks, and all the stones.

I keep my wand close at hand.

Trust no one.

You're here for one mission.

Find this fools family, capture them. Send them to America.

Scare this man with death threats to said family.

It may sound harsh, but I'm not here to care about your wants or needs.

I'm here because these people agree to things, and then back out. Making our lives a living hell. So no. I don't care about you.

I don't care about your family.

Your friends.

Your life.

You shouldn't of agreed to something you didn't intend to keep.

That's on you.

Luckily, the sun has already set by the time I make it to the three broomsticks, making it more convenient to get in unnoticed.

Just Out Of Reach // Sebastian Sallow Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora