Sebastians House

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As I head home from a long day of work, my head is reeling of the previous week I had.

All I could think about was her.

And I touched her.

Merlin ... her touch was electricifying.

I can't believe that I got to see her, and she's okay.

Merlin she's okay...

As I walk into my house smiling to myself, I hear a women's voice from behind me.
"There you are!"

"Adalaide, hello, I forgot we had a date tonight." I say making my way further into the house where Adalaide sits at the table.

"No, Sebastian this is the third time this week! We are going out to dinner tonight, you cannot deny me another date." Adalaide Oaks says with frustration. "And what were you bloody smiling about anyway, Merlin knows it wasn't anything at work."

"Adi, just thinking about the kids flying on there new brooms, my love. Honestly do you have to be so hostile all the bloody time?" I say smirking at her.

"Sebastian Sallow. We've been dating for months now, and never have you really brought me around your sister, or the kids. Honestly what's the matter with you." She says standing up grabbing her coat.

"Ad, come on.."

"No Sebastian, I'm done. Clearly you don't want me around and I'm done being an option in your life that you can come and go as you please." She says turning on her heel and slamming the door behind her as she leaves.

I pitch the bridge of my nose and sigh.

"Poor Adalaide, it still bewilders me why she still wants to be with you..."

"Ominis, what the hell! How long have you been in here?" I say holding my heart, bloody hell what is with all of these people just being in my house unannounced?

"Long enough I suppose, I haven't heard from you in a moment, the kids have been asking if you're still coming to the party. I also heard about Athena.... She was spotted at the three broom sticks. I can only Assume you were there." Ominis says from the study in the other room sitting in one of the lounge chairs.

I decide to light a small fire in the fire place and sit in the chair next to him.

"It's been a week mate." I say defeated.

Ominis and I sit and chat about everything, making the weight if my world slowly roll off my shoulders.

"Sebastian, why do you chase a ghost? Can't you just let yourself be happy?" Ominis says sipping his Gin.

"She's still in there Ominis... I told her I'd never give up and I meant it." I say pinching the bridge of my nose.

Ominis sighs heavily. "That was a long time ago, you're almost thirty now... move on." Ominis says with a huff. "Now, would you like to come over for dinner? Anne made a roast tonight."

"No, mate. Thank you for the offer, I have a lot of work to do." I say as Ominis is getting up to leave.

"You're going to starve, come it and stop being a Git." Ominis says with a smirk before apparating to his house.

"Always the charmer you are...." I whisper to myself before deciding 'what the hell' and going to my sisters house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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