The Small Hutt

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I waited for Salis by the entrance of Hogsmeade, as I waited I felt someone lightly brush up against me, making me tense up.

I looked up at the stranger, he had curly brown hair, a freckled face that reminded me of a stary sky, he had a scruffy face, but looked extremely attractive. He had brushed my bare hand with his. This normally would cause extreme pain to anyone else, but he simply said "excuse me miss." With a smirk, and twirled around, and kept walking.

Breathlessly, I stood there in disbelief.

For years I thought I was extremely toxic to anyone, and everyone around me.

I had never really experienced human touch before today.

I stood there silently staring off to where the man had walked to.

"You ready?" I heard someone say behind me startling me.

"Jesus, Greengrass." I say with a gasp.

"Come on, I have a spot we can settle for the night." Salis says handing me my broom.

"Good, I hate being back here. Let's go." I say getting on my broom.

We landed in Irondale, finding a small hut house that I slightly remember seeing once long ago.

We walk in and were immediately greeted by the smell of dust.

"I'll start cleaning. You start the fire and perhaps find something we can eat?" I say starting to cast the cleaning charm.

Salis nods in agreement.

Once I am Satisfied with the place, Salis is back and started cooking.

"What's the matter with you today, Johnson? You seem... off." Salis says looking at the food.

"I'm fine."


"What?" I asked a bit annoyed at his response.

"I've known you long enough to know when you're not telling me the truth." Salis looks towards me with an eyebrow raised.

I sigh, "do you think about what else there could be... how there has to be more then just... this..." I say defeatedly.

I see Salis tense up "what do you mean by that?"

"Well, don't you want to know what it's like to be with someone else. Or even just be normal?" I say with a chuckle. "Just to be .... Satisfied... or happy even?"

"Don't we all want that?" Salis says looking at me completely with confusion written all over his face.

"Are you scared of me?" I say to him suddenly.

"Not even a little." He says with a smile.

I smile back at him.

He turns back to the food "I want to show you something in the morning."

"Oh?" I say with slight excitement.

Once the food is done, we sit and eat silently.

Once we're finished I grab our plates and clean them and all the dinner wear.

I hear Salis get up and head to the window to let in an owl,  "I'll be back, I have to go. I will be back before morning." Salis says grabbing a letter from an owl and running out the door.

I look in his direction with confusion, but continue cleaning up the mess we made.

After I realized he wasn't joking, I take full advantage of an empty home.

I make myself comfortable and take a bath.

It's not often we get to be alone like this, if ever. At our head quarters we are paired with a roommate, and it changes up every few months. Being in a room with another women can be so, aggressive?

So I'm going to take advantage of everything I can.

I get dressed, find a blanket and cuddle up on the bed.

Sleep never comes naturally for me. My wand also never leaves my hand, it comforts me knowing I have a defense right here if I need it.

Realizing I'm not going to sleep quickly tonight, I get back up and light a candle. I search through Salis old books and find "the history of Hogwarts".

Hogwarts, that's where the repository was. What a beautiful place. I wished I could have gone there.

Out of curiosity I read the book promptly.

I enjoy history for the most part. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's quite fascinating.

"Athena, hey, wake up." I hear Salis say kindly tapping me on the shoulder. "You didn't sleep in the bed? What book are you reading?"

I wipe the drool off my face before realizing I fell asleep reading 'The History of Hogwarts".

"Just a bit of light reading, I couldn't fall asleep." I say with a stretch and a yawn.

"Get dressed, there's something I want to show you!" He says excitedly throwing my clothes at me. "I cleaned them when I get home. Oh and I put toast on the table for you. I'll meet you outside."

"Coffee?" I say sarcastically.

"On the table next to you." He says leaving through the door outside.

I look over at the table to find a coffee to my right; I roll my eyes and laugh, take a long sip of coffee before putting on my clothes.

I grab the toast and head out the door.

"What is so important that you need to show me at the buttcrack of dawn?" I say with a laugh.

Salis raises his arm that is covered by a jacket I have never seen before,  and smiles at me.

"Salis no, I'll hurt you." I say looking at him concern.

"You're going to have to trust me." He says walking towards me.

He gets so close I catch my breath.

"Do you trust me?" He says reaching out his arm again.

"Apparition?" I say taking his arm.

"Mhm hold on tight." He says closing his eyes.

I feel as if I'm being squeezed through a small tube making it impossible to breathe.

We land on a cliff by the ocean.

Taking a breath in I can smell the salt air.

I haven't smelled anything so lovely in my life, I am instantly calm.

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