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The scene starts off by our actor Tiger Shroff doing his action scenes and saving our heroine with his martial arts skills beating up all those men that dared touching his "women"
After they finished up the scene the director yelled out "CUT!"
The director and the crew then started clapping and praising Tiger

Director: That was very good Tiger well done my boy, now I want you to take a good rest before our next scene if you ever need anything just tell me okay

Tiger chuckled unbelievably at his director while wiping off his sweat with the towel his assistant brought. He then walked to his caravan but was stopped by one of his co stars who was half drunk and put his arms on Tiger while calling him

Virat: TIGERR! My friend

Tiger face changed and looked a bit annoyed towards virat's behavior then moved his arm away from his shoulder

Tiger: Don't ever touch me with your dirty hands

Virat: Hey my friend my hands are clean

Tiger: I'm not your friend, someone that doesn't take his job serious and is always drunk, can barely stand on his feet, can never be my friend. Now leave

Tiger then went inside his caravan and shut the door, virat was angry and talked behind Tigers back

Virat: Just because he's a world star he thinks he's all that, but be careful of me Mr. Jai, I will soon take that title from you and will one day make you work for me and this time I will be the one treating you like shit and embarrass you to the entire world just watch

After the next scene of the movie the entire crew decided to celebrate Tiger's previous movie hit and his currently new movie "REBEL". They were all going to meet up at some famous club and have the best time of their life. Tiger being the workaholic that he is decided not to waste time but instead train at a gym that he owns.
The director insisted that he comes along and didn't give up until Tiger said yes.
Tiger got annoyed and had to say yes just so the director would leave him alone

Zoya who is now 23 lives with her younger sister Haya who is 21 and their grandmother. Zoya was getting ready for her henna, she does not want to get married, it was an arrange marriage her grandmother and the boys family made
As Zoya loves her grandmother she couldn't say no but he doesn't want to get married to a man she doesn't know and love.
Haya was going over the decorations to see if everything was perfect. Zoya on the other hand was in the bathroom trying to remove the imran's name off her hand after she tried everything to remove his name the name didn't entirely go away but only faded a bit

Zoya: That's still something

Haya came knocking at the bathroom door

Haya: Zoya, everyone's waiting for you downstairs hurry especially the imran's family

Haya was very happy when she said it because she loves her sister and doesn't know that Zoya doesn't want him even if she did Haya is very naive and would believe that Zoya would come to love him later on

Zoya: Alright just give me a minuet, maybe 8 hours to at least until they leave

Haya: You know despite being the oldest you act like a child sometimes. I will go downstairs and if you don't come up in a minuet then I will come back here again

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