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Zoya pushed James off the bed and he fell, it was an awkward situation for zoya she didn't know what to feel she wanted to apologize for pushing him off but she didn't

James: what are you doing?

Zoya: I should be asking you the same question. What am I doing here

Just then james grandmother comes in after hearing the thud noise

Dorga: what's going on are you kids okay?

Zoya: Can someone explain what's going on here

Dorga: James bring the girl water she must he startled

Just then james gave zoya a 5 second stare then left. Dorga explained the situation to zoya

Zoya: i am very thankful for helping me, how can I repay your kindness

Dorga: oh there's no need for that child. So tell me child..what's your name and where are your family where do you come from

Zoya looked hesitant but dorga gave her the reassurance look. Just then James came in

Zoya: Z-zoya, my name is Zoya Ali Khan

Dorga: I heard your speech at the temple and must I say that I am very proud of you, you are a very well raised girl your parents did a good job

Zoya: I should leave my grandmother must be really worried about me

James: don't get up so early you're still hurt. Why don't you stay here until you are fully recovered we can speak with your family if you want

Zoya: excuse me?

Dorga: forgive my grandson he doesn't know customs and traditions here he grew up in the states.

Although dorga's family are open minded, as the elders they know and respect the traditions and customs

Dorga: it's not appropriate for a single girl to stay at another single man's house especially this late

Dorga then turned back to zoya

Dorga: don't worry child I will speak to your parents without worrying them

Zoya: my parents are deceased. I live with my grandmother and younger sister

Dorga and James felt pity

Dorga then drove zoya home with their chauffeur. Haya and Dilshad kept calling zoya but the phone was out of battery and they kept looking through the window to see if she came

Haya then saw zoya and zoomed outside followed by their grandmother Dilshad

Dorga: Zoya.. if you ever need anything you can always come to me

Dorga gave zoya her phone number

Zoya: Thank you

Dilshad/Haya: Zoya!

Zoya: nana haya

The three of them hugged Dilshad and Haya were crying

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