The beginning but definitely not the last (prologue)

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17 years ago (Empress Xuánlǜ P.O.V)

"Empress Jinhai, she wishes to see you.." Our royal doctor said, I already set myself off towards my mother-in-law's room, 'the time has come.' We know that she'll come around. I met my husband in front of her room looking anxious, I held his hand for some kind of comfort. "You should be in bed already chubs.." he wondered as he caressed my big belly. Empress xuánlǜ is actually 8 months already, meaning they are coming near. "I'm sorry chubs but mother wants to meet me too. And I was looking at the nursery." she smiled sheepishly while her husband laughed lovely at her. We both entered her room, as she smiled weakly at us, personal maids and the doctor herself were present as well. 


She looked at the newcomers and smiled sweetly, making his heart swell at his mother. "Hello mother" he quietly spoke audible enough for his mother to hear as he places himself down next to her. The emperor embraces himself and listens to what his dear mother would say. This is too important because of the status that his mother has, she has to give her mana to someone who's worthy of the next title. Plus the fact that his mother will be gone any moment (as a mama's boy it's really hard for him to swallow this)

"How are the twins doing?" She first started off, in which the current empress gladly filled in and talked excitedly to her mother-in-law. After all that they went silent again, the mother smiled sweetly at her son, who's trying to comfort his wife in an unnoticeable way, as memories kept coming back like a movie. From the every firsts, last and such more, all she could do is to give her my mana and run freely... and that's what she did... she can feel it coming so might as well do everything in her last strength to save her and humanity. "In the future, you'll have the most precious yet dangerous gem anyone has ever seen, I want you to give her my mana and the other phoenix. Keep them a secret until their sakura ceremony. You'll soon know why." She took her son's hand carelessly and softly.

"Mother... but we don't know the gender at all.." I stared back at her, looking for answers. My husband and I decided to surprise ourselves as we didn't want to spoil ourselves. "It's a dream I had a while back... my time will no longer be able to see my beautiful grandchildren. So, I, Jinhai Li, as an Agate, declare to give my powers to one of my greatest grandchild." she softly declared, with each breath slowing... "You know greater gods who she is, bring my mana to her. And she'll be fine. May you let my grandchild have the Agate's mana." Then a light of bluelish radiated through her, a sign that her declaration is set. She looked at me saying "Please keep my grandchildren safe.. Let them know that malita (mama+lola[grandma in tagalog]) loves and cares for them so much" and there, she slowly drifted to forever dreamland, with a smile on her lips.

After a month later empress xuánlǜ gave birth to two beautiful and healthy twins. The first one is a girl, who really had their features, fair skin, hair and eye color a combination of deep red and white, she's both a combination of her parents. So they named her Ming xia. 3 minutes later a beautiful baby boy came out. He has his mother's eyes but has his father's features. And they named him Long Wei. And since the promise/ declaration empress Jinhai made, they only announced the birth of the twins but didn't go on to reveal which made the whole world curious.

Since then no one but the palace's doctor and family's butler know them. Well sooner or later it became more because of the twins' friends.

6 years later

The twins grew up as loving, playful and smart as ever. Even though they aren't allow to go to school, and was homeschooled but atleast they are able to play and have fun most of their time. At a young age they are trained well in different aspects, mostly Ming Xia. The twins are inseparable, they do things together, cry things together and such. But growing up, among the two, Long Wei is actually good with talking and isn't shy. While Ming Xia, is quite the opposite... She literally doesn't talk, not unless her brother is there. 

She was having a really hard time opening up to people. Of course Long Wei helped his sister making friends that eventually may help her be confident enough.

Little xia, wei together with hui and shin are playing outside of the palace gardens while some guards watch over them."HAHAHHAHA catch me if you can!" Little Shin said as Wei and Xia tried to catch up with her, when a group of black masks came running at them. Luckily the children sense the danger coming at them so they immediately run off to a safer part of the palace while the whole palace is fighting to protect the kingdom. As they continued to run, a knife laced into Wei's left arm which caused them to halt into their doings. "Brother!" Xia cried as she shields her brother, knowingly to them a new set of danger awaits them. They manage to save themselves, thanks to Hui and Xia's powers. 

A few minutes have passed when the secret lair's door opened, revealing a worried queen and king. "Oh my kids! Are you alright? No one got hurt right?" Xia then jumped into her mother's embrace, she cried and mumbles everything that she saw "mama! Mama! Wei got hurt! His left arm, mama they are horrible! They hurt Wei" Xia cried. Xuánlǜ and Weizhe knew how a quiet person their daughter is, so seeing her talk like this made them terrified a lot.

Right after that incident, Xia would refuse to talk to anyone. Let alone distant herself from everyone. This made the whole royal family worried, so they checked whatever's wrong with the princess.

"Young mistress, please at least eat something." Young Yin said while shoving a spoonful of soup in front of the stubborn princess who just refused to look at everyone and just held her head low. 

"Empress xuánlǜ I think it is better if young mistress was to sent into a therapist..." That caught their full attention. "But why Hema? The therapist, is it that terrible?"

The doctor 'Hema' heaved a sigh "I do not know about it yet empress, but there are possibilities, and we have to take a lot of measurements." That's what they did.



selective mutism, you don't make a choice not to talk. Rather, you may find it impossible to speak around people you don't know. A child or adult with selective mutism does not refuse or choose not to speak at certain times, they're literally unable to speak. The expectation to talk to certain people triggers a freeze response with feelings of anxiety and panic, and talking is impossible.

Like Ming Xia, she used to be shy around everyone, except for her twin. (yes even with her parents and bffs) so at first they thought that it's normal for her not to talk, but when it became too quiet for them, they found these findings. Selective mutism is not all about the shyness but can be about the traumatic things that may happen to the patient's life. In her case, seeing her twin brother in a near death situation made her really anxious, she also blamed herself because of her powers (though her family doesn't blame her).

Another Note:

Hello, just a little note that I'm not a medical expert and had no knowledge about this, and all information is based on google. If you ask to where I get the idea, please (a must read if you're a filipino!) read "sinigang au" of @/junhoenothui !! The au is the best!

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