Preparations and such disaster ?

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Gosh such smartasses they are.

As she went up to Mari's room she cast a healing/calming spell all over the place, to not attract other people around the house. "They did what the hell now?!"

boom kabog. (won't go in details anymore, but they told everything to Mari's parents)

"You know... a while ago, after Marinette went out for school. Alya and Lila came by here, and told us a bunch of stuff, claiming hurtful and bad stuff about you and Nova." Auntie Sabine told us, Mari looked up and asked "did.. You.. believe in it... though?" "why of course not! We know our own daughter, you will never bully nor do such a thing! And we know that she's lying!" Auntie Sabine added as Nova sighs

"I mean.. Have any of you noticed the make up she's been using for the so called "bruises" and "injuries" that you guys have done?" Tom chimes in and suddenly remembers what he noticed earlier."The thing is made up in glittery.. I MEAN GLITTER MAKEUP! Like how did they not notice the sparkly sparkle thing in her arms... and please don't get me started with the crying! It was way worse than the movies that we have seen." The comment made all of us laugh.

Marinette wiped her non-existent tears away, as she was calming down and smiled. "I'm sorry for not telling you Maman, papa... I don't want to be a burden to you, and also I thought that was harmless at first.. But things got out of track and now..."

But her parents tackle with hugs, kisses, and encouraging words. I smile as I look at them. I suddenly put my phone up to take a pic as I saw the sun setting down and some light came through the window, which captured the beauty of it.. Family...

After she took a few photos of them, she tapped the floor loudly to catch their attention.

"I may have a proposal for you... To forget and to get away with those people Lucie..." she wrote down.

They all look at me like I have grown two heads or something. "What are you talking about?" Mari asks, tilting her head toward her friend. Nova sighs as she took out some contents out of her bag and passes it towards them. Sabine took it from Nova's grasp and read it carefully and then looks at Nova for conformations. Nova just smiles and nods as Sabine passes the paper to Tom and hugs her daughter tighter. "Maman, what's in the letter?"

"To Mademoiselle Marinette Lucienne Cosima Dupain-Cheng,

We are most pleased to inform you that your transfer and scholarship application to Hitori Paris School have been approved. We have scheduled a fitting for your school uniform (specifically to be worn on Friday's, or for special school events only) for Friday, April 10th.

We would also like to inform you about our school's dormitories, which are optional, and the school shuttle system for students who live farther away, again optional. You can find more details about this on our school's website, or contact us at the email enclosed in this letter. We wish to provide you with every means necessary to help guide you to a bright and successful future.

Congratulations once again, and we look forward to seeing you in class, your starting date will be after third semestral on May 5th.


Head Mistress Victorina Kiney Dubois"

"You're going to Hitori Paris school!!" Sabine said as she cheered along with her husband. Nova just giggles as she looks at the family's little antics.. Just making her miss her parents too...... Sure they would talk every now and then, though video calls and such but of course it's still different when they are around, physically.

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