She's not for the weakest nor the strongest

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[] meant that is flashbacks 

["but mother! Xia is already healed! Why do we still need to fly away from home?" seven year old Wei ask, throwing another tantrum (or throwing another vase almost nearly at his mother). Empress Xuánlǜ remains emotionless, glaring almost at her son. Her children is like a carbon copy of themselves, so seeing her own son being a brat reminded her of her own days where she will also have this kind of stage. She just sighs signaling the maids to took take of it "Long Wei, I know that this is very upsetting, but we are doing this for your own safety." she said softy, making Long Wei stop on what he's about to do. 

Empress Xuánlǜ smiles to her son. "We almost lost the both of you, hua. Someone tried to break into your room last night. But don't worry though, they already caught them." It's normal to have something like this, but as a mother, this flipped her insides in every angles. Targeting their, her child, is not a good feeling. "That's why you'll be with your sister, protecting her at all cost. Do you understand?"

Wei just stared at her mother, trying to process everything. He just sighs and swore to protect his sister, even though she doesn't need to"

'well I thought it will be worse...' Wei just sighs as he hugged his sister who kept on fidgeting her tiny fingers. While their parents had a very serious talked with their now 'new parents' who was before works as assassins and second in command in the royal palace of China, I have heard that they are very trustworthy and now lived in Paris, France as now a successful business partners, had no record of child or children and such. And they have a very big house, plus they are good with kids. 

he now take a look at his sister who's now fast asleep in his arms, with a contented and sleepy hum, he swore to protect his 'lady love' with all of his life and fell asleep with her.]


Clementine or as people address her, Nova is tired. The once care-free, and bubbly mute girl has lost every meaning of life to her.

She is beyond tired just looking straight towards her tormentors, Alya and Alix who kept slapping and saying awful things to her. But she didn't care at all as her mind was somewhere else. How everything she dreamed of turned upside down, how she was treated differently if it weren't for her royalty status or money. How she sees the world more differently now. It's all because of her... Lila Rossi the said girl is now smirking looking at the whole scene unfolding to her. She was beyond proud to get to us.. I can see Marinette in the corner of my eyes begging Lila and the others to let me go, but as usual she was laughed at by our other classmates.

This son of the slutling bitch had the audacity to breathe every lie she had! When I first came here about 4 years ago, at first I was happy because finally no more homeschooling, if I was able to turn back in time to stop myself from coming here, I should've listened to them when they said that it can be dangerous to have been separated from my brother. Oh how I wish I could use my powers to slater unpleasant beings from the face of the earth.

"Oh thank you so much guys! For helping me get to my bully" I can hear Lila's sickening caring voice. You can hear the amount of "anything for you" "I hope they stop" and such more insulting words. And again 'control yourself' flew into my mind as I breathed heavily, calming my intrusive thoughts to kill Rossi on the spot. I can't let them know my powers, at least not now.

But what they didn't know... That the girl who they kept messing around will make their life living in hell... Just wait. 


Once they all left her, Marinette rushed to her side and called Luka for help. 'How I wish I wasn't coward enough just to let them beat you up. Stupid Alphas' Marinette heated how she has no match to those in the higher up status. She hated it when he dominated her more, She hated it because he's abusing his powers just to please everyone. She hated him so much. Her thoughts are cut short when a hand reaches out to her, she looks up to see a worried looking Luka looking at her. Without second thoughts she put her small hand into Luka's big ones.

Luka pulled her up slowly and engulfed her into a comforting warm embrace. He knows Mari needed this, right after what she/ they went through... It horrifies them when Mari missed calls them many times at once, knowing it happened again. As they reach the school field seeing that everyone is out, Luka and Nino race to their classroom and what unfolded to them shocked to their core... Marinette kneeling down next to an unconscious Nova.

They arrive at the nearest (and privately one too) hospital. It really terrifies them of how badly Nova is, how are they going to tell this to her parents? That their daughter is now laying 50/50 of her life fighting death (or probably playing hopscotch with death?) All of them are sitting outside Nova's room when her twin and his parents come running into them. Nino stood up first since everyone still looked lost at the moment, and Luka even though he was still cradling the upset and shaking Marinette in his arms. He sighed as he came forward to greet them, he knew Nova wouldn't like it when they share something like this without her... but he had no other choice, he would have to dwelt with that later.

"Good evening prince..." he started off as quietly as possible, not being able to be heard by others. As he uses his power to block every word that may come out. "What the hell happened Yin hui." the devil spat in Mandarin as he snarled at him. Okay he is mad mad. He gulped as he explained all of it, well not entirely all since he didn't know about the constant mailing of letters and messages, the vandalizing of her things, she didn't tell the others because she didn't want to be a burden. "Sorry your majesty, but we tried everything that we can do but she ordered us to keep it out of our business not unless it is important." Nino or Yin hui lastly explained as the two elders tried to calm the prince's angered state. "Young master please calm down... Young mistress will not like it if she can sense your deepest state right now.." With that he calmed down a bit. We sigh in relief, as I further explain more about the situation, and to discuss further plans concerning the princess.

Yin hui / Nino P.O.V

All of our friends went home, or like Luka took Marinette home alongside Chole, Zoe, and Lando. While the others choose to stay here with us. None of us are talking, it was a dead silence. We know that messing with the prince will only anger him more, so choose to live life by letting him be, also all of us are really worried for the said princess, me of course since the four of us (Nino, Zhua, and Alora) are really close to each other. I know that she's still not telling us the full details but I know it is really bad but I don't want to know more... I don't think my sanity can keep up with this.

"So... Alora, have you already talked to them?" Juleka asks as Alora looks up and sighs. "Well, the most recent one was around two months ago. She wouldn't talk to them as she always excuses herself busy and locking her room. Meanwhile I am too because of a lot of workload given to us." he explained as they nodded at his statement. "How is she coping up, before this?" he suddenly asks, I know that he is frustrated with this kind of thing. He has been protective towards her since day one. No one really messes with his sister like this before. Now I am thinking that maybe giving her too much freedom will lead us into this.. I should've tried harder convincing her to be with his brother.. I should've never given up on convincing her to go into another school like him. We should've disagreed with her liking having a different school as her brother.


No one's P.O.V.

Suddenly the doctor came out of her room saying that she is now stable and can wake up any moment now. All of the teens bolted inside of the room, worrying about her state. While her parents were left behind to chat more about her condition and such. They are greeted by her staring at the ceiling not looking at us "I want to transfer." she mumbled as if she knew who had come in. Alora took the other side of the bed and side hugged his sister as she cried silently "Yǒushí cuìruò yě méiguānxì" (it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes) they just stayed there, comforting their lady love who is thankful... because she have a strong support system to help her in every situation. So Lila Rossi, be aware..

You messed with the wrong girl.

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