Ace degenerate

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Johnny Lawrence found his drunken slumber disturbed by the insistent buzzing of a cheap alarm clock pulling him from lull of blissful sleep into the stark reality of his depressing and routine life. The older man pulled himself into a seated position head in his hands as he battled against the hangover from the previous night. Taking a swig from a bottle of coors beer in the naive hope that it would help ease his splitting headache he quickly learned that was an absolutely horrible idea as he spit the warm grotesque beverage out of his mouth and onto the floor.

After getting dressed and cleaned Johny then prepared himself breakfast consisting of cheaply made and pan fried bologna while an old action flick from the eighties played in the background. After finishing eating he then began Looking around his desolate apartment he took notice of the trash needing emptied and grabbing his keys and the full trash bag he made to leave for work.

On his way over to the complex's dumpster an odd Hispanic teenager approached him introducing himself "hey I'm miguel. My family and I just moved here from riverside." The clearly annoyed Johnny Lawrence didn't bother turning to address the younger man and instead commented "great more immigrants." And continued on his journey to take out the garbage.

Miguel paused and stated "I was just wondering if you were having trouble with the water pressure because..." before miguel could finish John Lawrence cut him off clearly fed up with being disturbed by the younger man "listen menudo. I've lived in this shit hole for over 10 years. The pipes don't works the fountain is full of piss and the only good thing about being here is that I don't have to talk to anybody. So nice knowing you." He said turning towards his car and promptly leaving.

Miguel seemingly dejected gave a non committal and disappointed "okay, well. Have a nice day, I guess."

Johny then heads to work in his faded red Pontiac 1991 Pontiac firebird. Much like it's owner the life seemingly faded away and replaced with rust and it's ferocity seemingly dulled by the challenges and hardships of life. Pulling into his last job site grand and luxurious mansion set back in the hill. He hated his job as it was Mostly just a constant reminder of the things he would never possess. Wealth, fame, status are the driving goals of many young men but Johnny was no longer a young man. With a sigh he exited his car and retrieved his tool bag. His job was to do routine maintenance for various wealthy Clients.

He'd already been sprayed by kids with water guns, almost fell off a ladder, had to pull a dead animal out of a gutter, almost been electrocuted and now after finishing his last job for the day was being harassed by the client. What is this...I told you to put the tv on the wall by the door." John looked around confused "this is the wall across from the door." He stated she clarified pointing towards another door. "I have company coming over just move the tv okay." She stated impatiently.

"Look hold on it'll take me an hour to get to the hardware store. I will have to refill the holes, remeasure. Look I'll come by first thing in the morning and put the tv on the right wall. Just quit bitchin at me alright." He said this all in a calm diplomatic tone of voice and he mentally face Palmed as his brain registered what he just said.

He was driving home and not more than 19 minutes later Johnny received a call from his boss " I didn't call her a bitch. I said she was bitchin at me." The angry voice of his employer could be heard through the cheap phone. "Your actually gonna fire me because of that bitch. You know what I hated this stupid job anyway. You better pay me what you owe me Mike." Johnny stated out loud Hanging up.

A loud knocking sound could be heard on the door to the Diaz apartment in the reseda complex. Carmen Diaz answered with an excited squeal and invited the younger woman in. "Come in..come in." She said after giving the younger woman and aggressive love filled hug. Julia Herlot found herself smiling from ear to ear. It never ceased to make her smile about how kind and caring the Diaz's were and how they treated her like family. "It's so great to see you my Leona." She said briefly walking away from her towards the small kitchenette. "How was your summer. Miggy said you spent the summer with your father back home. How was that did you enjoy yourself." Carmen Diaz asked bombarding the Julia with so many questions.

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