Esqueleto part 2

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Connor Atlas had just finished getting dressed up for the costume party doing one final look over in his bedroom mirror. Making his way down the stairs Connor was immediately greeted by the sudden appearance of his father popping up and snapping a quick photo on his smartphone. "About time you finished primping yourself in the mirror. Any longer and you might be late to pick up your date." Jackson Atlas incessantly teased his son.

Connor shook his head at his father with a wide smile only slightly embarrassed by his antics "c'mon pops is this really necessary." He asked already knowing his dads answer. "Before you go I want to get some pictures. I'll make it quick so you aren't late." Jackson informed his son who seemed to be slightly annoyed. After a brief amateur photo shoot Jackson looked up to his son. "Before you go some ground rules." Jackson started as Connor sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.

Jackson ignored his sons attitude and continued before he void be cut off. "Don't lie to her parents. If you tell them your bringing her home at a certain then make sure you deliver on that. I don't care how late you stay out but if your going to be later than eleven I want you to text me every hour. No means no and of course absolutely zero drinking."

"DAD." Connor said growing upset at the last two statements. His father had been pretty reasonable he just didn't think his dad needed to explicitly state the last two out loud. He liked Julia and had no intention of taking advantage of her and he would be driving so drinking would be something so irresponsible and dangerous.

Jackson put his hands up in a placating manner before opening his palm presenting his son with the keys to the Camaro "Ok..ok. Ok kiddo here you are just have some fun tonight." Jackson relented realizing that he might've been piling to much on at once. Connor grabbed the keys and turned to dash out the door his excitement for the fun night ahead clearly written in his body language. He paused in his movements to turn around embrace his dad wrapping his father into a big hug. "I love you dad. Thank you for everything." He stated pulling away slowly and his dad beamed at him.

Jackson returned the embrace initially caught off guard before wrapping his arms around his son. "Thank you son. I love you too." He said struggling to contain his emotions smiling at Connor. "No get out of here or your gonna be late to pick up your date." He told him adjusting Connor's hat. Connor separated from his dad and dashed out the door and Jackson looked off distantly where his son left from.

"Your growing up so fast kiddo." Jackson muttered despite Connor already having left. Connor put the keys into the ignition and turned it over and he heard the loud engine pur before carefully backing out of the driveway. Arriving at his destination Connor pulled into the small resida complex. Getting out of the vehicle he began walking towards the proper apartment door and gave a loud sharp knock.

Almost immediately the door swung open in response to his sudden knock and he was awestruck at the young woman presented before him. Julia stood before him wearing an unbuttoned blue flannel paired with a white t-shirt underneath, long fitting faded blue jeans tucked into brown cowgirl boots topped off with a brown cowboy hat.

Julia giggled as his mouth hung open and Connor hurriedly recomposed himself. A smirk painted his lips "well this is definitely an pleasant surprise." He stated indicating his own costume which was a Indiana jones theme as she was clearly a cowgirl. Julia stepped out and closed the door behind her as her mom wished her safe travels. "Yes it truly is. I had no idea you planned on dressing up as Indiana jones." Julia said causing Connor to chuckle as they made their way back to the the car.

He opened the door for her before getting back inside the drivers seat and making their way towards the schools. It didn't take the duo long enough to spot their friends amongst the fellow students as Miguel, Dimitri, and Eli stood off to the side examining potential dance partners. Connor voice broke in amongst the trio. "You do know that's really creepy right. Just go ask them to dance." Miguel sighed in defeat as a man dressed like doctor who had asked the girls to dance and he commented "man we lost one to doctor who." The young Hispanic looked to his other friends with a frown and Julia asked the group. "Where is Mari anyway." Dimitri replied with uncertainty almost like he'd only just realized that Marisol hadn't been amongst the group. "She was here earlier I guess she must've gon to use the restroom. Speaking of his punch is going right through me. I gotta pee." He said before excusing himself.

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