Strike first part 1

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Loud music permeated the serene silence of the darkened room and with a loud yawn awoke the very person that had set the musical alarm. The young man rolled his ankles and stretched his arms over his head and heard various cracking coming from his ankles. Swinging his legs over the bed into a seated position before turning off the song I'm the man by Aloe Blacc. He then dropped into a push-up position doing enough to get his blood pumping. He quickly got dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and some basketball shorts before going into the bathroom and brushing his teeth.

Splashing some water on his face he then looked in the mirror only to see the charming smile of Connor atlas staring back at him. Snapping his fingers he gave himself a cheesy looking good at himself. The welcoming scent of eggs being fried was beckoning downstairs and arriving in the spacious kitchen he saw his dad frying up eggs. "Hey good morning champ. I ran to the store last night and got some breakfast necessities. Hope your hungry kiddo." Jackson atlas stated looking towards his son.

"Good morning dad and thank you for making breakfast. I actually expected you to be at work by now." Connor stated matter of factly even though it was only four in the morning Connor remembered how his dads old boss would demand he at the garage from sun up to almost sun down.

"Perks of working for LaRusso auto I'll actually be able to see you off to school. I will have to work later thought Is the only problem. I want you to start looking for another fight gym or dojo to join. You were doing so good at it and I want you to stay out of trouble." Jackson stated flipping the eggs over in the pan.

Once the food was finished Connor then helped his father by putting plates on the kitchen table alongside silverware. "Of course dad I'll start loooking asap. I plan on going on a run later so that should give me a layout of the city." He admitted. Finishing up the with meal Jackson looked at his phone. "Oh sorry son I gotta go can you do the dishes for me." He then grabbed his coat and took off not awaiting Connor's response.

Connor sighed and hit the workout room in the garage after cleaning up the dishes. Finishing up his usual regime his body glistened with sweat and he knew he would have to be ready for the bus soon so he took a quick shower and put on fresh clothes. A white t-shirt and dark blue jeans paired with a blue denim jacket was what he chose to wear. Stylish yet simple and understated he thought to himself grabbing his book bag and heading out the door. The bus ride was seemingly uneventful and Connor proceeded to take in the view as they made way throughout the city stopping on occasion to pick up more students.

Marisol Hernandez dashed out of her home not awaiting a farewell from her mother or her three little cousins. Before the door slammed closed behind her she shouted out a last minute "te amo" She was running late and would need to beat traffic if she wanted to get to meet up with Dimitri and Eli on time. She had jumped on her bike and after establishing a nice pace was able to arrive at meetup stop surprisingly earlier than she had expected. Both Eli and Dimitri pulled up alongside her both on their own bicycles. Both Eli and Dimitri seemed tired and sad as if they were dreading the new school year before them. Although mari seemed entirely oblivious to this. "Are you guys as excited as me for our first day back. I literally can't wait." Marisol smiled at the two dorks seemingly beaming and her excitement seemed to be infectious as both Dimitri and Eli looked at her his a smile and renewed energy. The trio then made their way towards the school.

Connor had only just entered the school office and gotten a rough idea of where he was supposed to go alongside his class schedule and couldn't quite get his lock combination to open correctly. From afar a young woman by the name of Julia Herlot examined the new kid and observed him struggling with the combination lock and after a brief moment of allowing him to struggle she offered her help. "Hi I'm julia you must be new here. The lockers can be tricky sometimes. Would you like help with that." she said introducing herself with a small smile painting her face.

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