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Miguel Diaz found his passion in karate that much was obvious he just wished her didn't need to hide it from his family. Hearing a loud knock on his bedroom door as he blared loud rock music from the eighties in order to disguise his shouts ands sharp whales as he shadow boxed. His grandmother spoke sharply in Spanish "diners ready." And gave a fatigued shout back "almost done yaya." Not long later he found himself seated at his kitchen table eating the dinner dinner with his yaya, which wasn't an uncommon occurrence considering his mother worked late shifts in the er.

Speaking of his mother Carmen Diaz opened the door apologizing profusely for her tardiness. "I'm sorry I'm late again. She placed her purse on the floor and closed the door behind her before taking a seat at the table. Miguel swallowed his huge mouthful of food and looked to his mother with a warm smile "it's ok I know your short staffed." He said beaming at her. Carmen sighed "so did you figure out what you want to be for the Halloween dance." And miguel rolled his eyes and hesitatingly said "I wanted to go as Deadpool but the costume is a little pricey." And his loving mother cut him off "you want of go as Deadpool we will make you a Deadpool costume." And yaya cut her off in Spanish "absolutely not this isn't a sweatshop." And In English Carmen looked to miguel concern etched into her beautiful features. "Miggy what happened to your hand"

The matriarch of the family gave her daughter Carmen an intense stare telling her simply "you don't want to know." both miguel and Carmen looked to her with a confused expression before continuing to silently eat their meal.

Miguel brought all the plates to the sink before hearing a knock on the door. Yaya waved him off and answered it allowing Julia. Closing the door behind her yaya smiled warmly at the young woman "oh mi hermosa leona." She said spreading her arms out and embracing the younger girl. Julia hugged the older woman back and pulled away slowly. Yaya looked to her "how are you. You look so much like me when I was your age. Are you thirsty. Miggy get the girl something to drink."

Julia smiled as Miguel's grandmother guided her towards the living room area and from the kitchen miguel answered his grandmother back "of course. I'll bring it right there. I'm almost done with the dishes." He said breaking out into a smile noticing julia.

"Actually I have really good news." Julia said as miguel joined them not long later with a glass of water for her. Miguel sat down across from her her excitement seeming to liven up the room. "My mom had been saving up for awhile and she bought me a car." Julia squealed out excitedly and Miguel couldn't help but laugh "that's awesome I'm so happy for you." He said standing up to hug his best friend Julia. She hugged him back "well I just had to tell someone I was so excited. I also wanted to ask if it would be ok for me to pick up miguel before school and drop him off going forward. I figured it would be easier since we are both in band." She said lying at the end.

Secretly they are both taking karate lessons at cobra Kai but Carmen would absolutely lose her mind if she found out.

Yaya shouted for her daughter in Spanish to come into the living room and after a brief dialogue in their native tongue Carmen looked to Julia "Leona that would be amazing and it would help us out so much. Thank you." Carmen said with a smile.

Loud shouting could be heard from a large expansive mansion like home in Encino hills. Christian shouted as his cousin his blood boiling anger "your such an ass. You knew I liked her that's the only reason your even going out with Samantha LaRusso." And kyler parks shouted back "dude why would she even want to go out with you. Like yo your a loser and are nothing without me besides she obviously has better taste than that." Chris stormed off and out the house snatching up his black hoodies on the way out and pulling it over his head. "Whatever man I'll talk to you at school." He said waving kyler off. Yeah kyler is a jerk but he was still family.

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