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Jenny got up quietly taking a deep breath as she slid back into her shell, before coming back out with a note. It was for Turbo more than Chet, but it wasn't like she would never see them again. She knew she'd come back to visit one day. 

The female jumped from the window of the garage and made her way to the telephone pole, dragging a popsicle stick with her. 

Jenny smirked as she made it to the top, throwing her popsicle stick onto the wires and jumping on. She surfed along the wires, doing tricks as she laughed. 

"Woohoo! Yeah!" 

Her fun went far from the suburbs where she lived, it was cool seeing all the lights. But the ride was over when she made a jump to another wire and missed the landing. 

"Damn it!" Jenny crashed to the ground but got up checking her shell. It wasn't broken, thank God.

But as soon as she sighed in relief a plastic cup dropped down on her. "Well, guess the others are gonna have some new competition." 

A woman caught her, a mechanic by the looks of it. 

The woman picked up the cup and took it to another shop, Bobby's Hobbies. Once inside, Jenny saw a man racing snails on remote control cars. The guy looked up as the woman placed the cup down and spoke to him. 

The snails that were on the cars slid over to see the newcomer. 

"Yo, new snail!" Jenny looked to them and two of them whistled. Each of these snails had these sleek shells designed for racing. 

The two that whistled were a blue snail with long eyestalks and a snail that started purple but faded to green. "Leave it to Paz to find something good!" 

"Alright, give her some room!" The only female of this group slid toward Jenny. "Name's Burn, ignore them they haven't seen a woman besides me in a long time." 

Jenny chuckled and fully turned as the cup was lifted and the man set a box with the parts for a toy Camero next to her. 

"What's he doing?" The largest snail of cream color answered as he backed into the dark. "Fitting you for a racing shell." 

The leader of the group came forward, Jenny had to say he was good looking. Dark purple skin, and red eyes that made him stand out. "It's alright, no one is gonna hurt you here. What's your name?" 

Jenny didn't want to go by her old name, so she used the one Turbo gave her. "Name's Ghost." 

Burn popped the gum she was chewing on and smirked as Boby and Paz got to work. "Sweet, you come up with it yourself?" 

Ghost shook her head. "Nah, my brother gave me the nickname." 

"Well, Ghost, welcome to Starlight Plaza. I'm Whiplash and this is my crew, you already met Burn." Burn nodded as she chewed her gum. 

"That's Skidmark and Smoove-Move." Whiplash motioned to the two snails that whistled at her. "And the one in the shadows is White-Shadow." 

The white female then felt something be placed over her old shell. She looked over and saw her newer shell all shiny navy blue with black trim. It was beautiful to see, and it made Ghost feel more like herself. 

"Woo! Bobby did good on this!" Skid and Burn were quick to compliment her. 

"Dang, this looks good!" Ghost had to say, she was impressed. 

Whiplash nodded and then invited her to race. "How about you race with us?" 

"Racing sounds fun, we doing this with the remote cars or?" The others laughed and they all found themselves outside and on a tray that was made to be a seesaw. 

"First one to the shooting star wins." Whiplash explained the goal of this race and Ghost was given a nail file by Smoove, who had his own. 

This made the female smirk. "No rules?" 


White-Shadow then jumped down from on top of a building and yelled, "White-Shadow!" He launched everyone in the air and onto the wires above. 

"Alright! This is my kind of race!" Ghost jumped from wire to wire, using her tricks to get ahead and flip onto the star. The other's followed pursuit and made it to the star sign too, everyone hooting and hollering about the thrill of the high wire race. 

"Now that was fun!" 

Whiplash laughed and looked to Ghost. "Girl, where'd you learn to do that?" 

Ghost was proud and she smiled at him. "Self-taught, just wish my little bro was here. He would've loved you guys."

Smoove slid next to the female. "You miss him, don't you?" 

"I miss both my brothers, but I will visit someday. Anyways, anything else you guys do around here for fun?" 

Skid thought before White-Shadow caught up with them. "Stunts, racing for the humans, mess around with the crows, basically anything that gets your blood pumping." 

Ghost smirked and shook her head. "I think I'm gonna like it here." 

Paz then found them and picked up the group. "There you are. Race is in a few days, gotta practice." 

Thuse begins, Ghost's new life with the Starlight Crew. 

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