Chapter 29: A Dark Turn

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The discovery of the lifeless bodies of Chanel and Tiffany sent shockwaves through the school, casting a pall over the students. As news spread, a somber atmosphere enveloped the hallways. The air was thick with disbelief and fear, the once-familiar corridors now tainted by a gruesome reality.

Jessica, however, seemed strangely unbothered by the tragedy. Her face remained impassive, devoid of the expected signs of shock or grief. The detective in charge of the case, Detective Alfredo, began his interrogations, seeking answers amid the palpable tension.

The room echoed with the voices of the five girls who were near the bathroom during the fateful time. Each girl spoke, their words painting a collective picture of confusion, fear, and a lingering sense of dread.

Detective Alfredo: "Can you describe what you heard or saw?"

The girls spoke, their narratives intertwining, each contributing a piece to the unsettling puzzle. Amidst the varied accounts, one name resonated—Jessica.

Detective Alfredo summoned Jessica for questioning. The room was heavy with anticipation as Jessica, her usual composure disrupted, entered.

Detective Alfredo (calmly): "Jessica, let's talk about your relationship with Chanel and Tiffany."

Jessica (guarded): "We weren't close. Just classmates."

Detective Alfredo (probing): "But there was an altercation in the bathroom. Care to explain?"

Jessica (hesitant): "We had a fight. I... I punched Chanel after she made fun of me. But I didn't kill them."

Detective Alfredo produced a statement from a witness claiming to have heard screams after Jessica left the bathroom.

Detective Alfredo (pressing): "Care to explain the screams, Jessica?"

Jessica (defensive): "We fought. I punched her. But I didn't kill them!"

The detective maintained his composure, but the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Jessica. As the interview unfolded, Detective Alfredo delivered an ominous pronouncement.

Detective Alfredo (solemn): "Jessica, at this point, you're our main suspect. We'll be keeping a close eye on you."

Jessica left the room, her facade shattered. Shock and fear etched across her tear-stained face. The reality of losing friends and becoming the prime suspect in their deaths bore down on her, leaving her trembling with uncertainty and despair.

The once-vibrant halls of the school now echoed with the haunting questions surrounding the tragedy, and Jessica found herself entangled in a web of suspicion and sorrow.

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