Chapter 40: Unraveling Shadows

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The cabin exudes an eerie quietness as Emily steps inside, her gaze sharp and unwavering. The group, sitting in a circle, seems taken aback by her unexpected entrance. Daniel, attempting to lighten the mood, welcomes her with a smile.

Daniel: "Hey, Em! Glad you decided to join us. Come, sit next to me."

Emily, however, doesn't comply. Her face turns crimson as she produces a gun from her pocket. Shock ripples through the group, their eyes widening in disbelief. Daniel's expression shifts from joy to concern.

Daniel: (nervously) "Emily, what's going on? Why do you have a gun?"

Ignoring his question, Emily points the gun squarely at Daniel, sending shivers through the cabin.

Emily: "I know everything. I know your plan, and I won't let you frame me for your crimes."

Daniel, attempting to defuse the tension, edges closer to Emily.

Daniel: "Emily, you've got it all wrong. We're not planning anything against you. We're just here to hang out, like old times."

Emily cuts him off, her voice unwavering.

Emily: "Old times? We weren't even friends before detention. Don't lie to me. I know about the murders, about everything."

In the background, Jake seizes an opportunity to escape. He grabs a fireplace poker, moving with caution. As Emily is engrossed in her confrontation with the group, Jake manages to approach her undetected. With swift precision, he strikes her on the back of the head, causing her to collapse to the floor, the gun slipping from her grasp.

The room descends into chaos as the group grapples with the reality of the situation. The gun lies on the floor, a silent witness to the unraveling shadows within the cabin.

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