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i spent the rest of the evening lounging in our room. we watched the sun set and walked to dinner together. i didn't dare make eye contact with the slytherine table. even when theo yelled my name, i acted like i didn't hear him. because silly me for ever believing draco malfoy had a good fucking bone in his body.

but now, hermione and i are walking together down the hallway heading to our first class - care of magical creatures. a class you can take in your last 2 years at hogwarts. we're all taking it together, ron, harry, hermione and i. even luna spaced out lovegood is taking it with us.

i take a seat next to hermione and the table next to us is ron and harry. luna and neville are behind them and behind us is fucking pansy and draco. there's 10 other bloody tables in this gods forsaken place and they choose this one?? seriously. seriously.

i groan and put my head in my hands. hermione looks over at me suspiciously but i didn't say anything. i didn't tell her what happened. id prefer a hex being placed on him to not be my fault of me be the reasoning behind it.

"alright ye youngins gather around ere" Hagrid says pointing to the front of the door. we all get up and walk towards him, "can't care fer creatures in this small place. come!" he says and ducks back out the door and we follow him outside.

ron says something to hermione that makes her blush and smile towards him, glad to see they've worked things out. i'm following behind them watching my feet when my head hits a hard chest, "owww merlin's sake what the fuck-" and there's a hand grabbing me pulling me to the side away from everyone.

"what-" and i look up to see malfoy looking down at me as im rubbing my head, "oh gods what do you want now malfoy.." i practically hiss at him trying to get away from him as fast as possible.

"i shouldn't have said what i did earlier." he says. his voice is soft, almost like a small wall is down.

"okay" i say and he opens his eyes a little wider, "okay?" he asks and i nod.

"yeah shit malfoy we all say shit we don't mean. i came at you with the pansy comment" i shrug and he looks taken back. normally i'd argue back, say no that was fucked up what you said. or maybe a how dare you. or a who the fuck do you think you are!? but ever since my parents died.. just not much to fight for anymore.

"oh..." he says then shakes his head, "no figgins, no. you called me out for behind shitty and i threw your pain in your face. it wasn't right." he says and now i'm the one taken back.

"okay. you're forgiven" and i go to walk away and he grabs my shoulder pulling me around. i roll my eyes, "ugh what!" i say and he folds his arms over his chest. i can hear everyone's voices getting further and further away.

"why do you forgive me?" he says with a frown on his face. i want to reach my hand up and press the lines out of his face. i want to say, darling don't stress.

"because malfoy. you got me out of a panic attack and made sure i didn't suffocate in my sleep on vomit. consider us even" i explain to him. i don't want to say, because i don't want you to be weird around me we're just now the most civil we've ever been.

i don't want to say, i enjoy your company.

"okay" he nods and i start backing up, "okay let's go" i say and he follows behind me as we catch up with everyone.

hermione gives me a look because she's the only one that noticed i came but with a certain blonde following a few steps behind. i shake my head and stand between her and theo. he looks down and smiles at me and i return it. he looks relieved that i acknowledged him.

"okay! first things first, a joke!" hagrid says and then he proceeds to tell us some joke that makes no sense but everyone laughs, except...

"oh yeah, terribly funny. really witty. gods this place has gone to the dogs" draco says behind us and everyone, including myself rolls their eyes.

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