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i could tell it was evening time by the way it was dark in the room with a small amount of light coming through, as soon as my eyes fluttered open i could see the body still pressed against me. i hear the door start opening and voices behind it so i quickly shut my eyes shifting into draco. hes leaned against me and his head is laying on mine.

"that's a sight aint it" a small whisper says and there's a hum in response. my nose crinkles but i dig my face deeper into the body's neck, not caring who's watching. it's the best sleep i've had in months.

"theo, i brought you here for help, not your snide remarks, now get malfoy out of here." hermione says and blaise lets out a chuckle, "have you ever tried to wake up malfoy, granger? it's not.. not pretty.." he says and theo lets out a soft laugh, "yeah.. got a black eye from him once.." and i almost let my lips lift up in a smile remember theo storming in our dorm last year sleeping on the floor for 3 days because he was mad at draco.

"cmon granger leave them be, look how comfy they look" blaise says and she huffs.

"i suppose you're right..." she says and i can hear them leave the room with a soft close of the door. i let out a sigh in relief, "fuck their whispers are not much of a whisper" the tired voice says above me.

i open an eye looking up to him and his are still shut but he has a smile on his face. but i don't say anything hoping he thinks i'm still asleep, not quite ready to move away from him.

"i know you're awake figgins, you're breathing changed" and his arm pulls me into his side closer for a second but then he starts to move.

i let my bottom lip puff out at him as he smiles at me.

"lay down, my back hurts" he says with a yawn and follows me down to the pillows. his arm snakes around my waist and pulls my back into his chest. his face digs into the side of my neck and i feel a soft kiss get placed there.

"you don't have to stay.." i say gently, "i'm okay now" but all he does is shrug.

"m' tired. i'll leave once i wake back up.." and he squeezes tighter again, "if that's okay" and i nod, "course" i say to him.

i let my eyes close back and fall into the pillow.

"do you think.. our friends... think.." and he lets out a chuckle that sends goosebumps along my neck.

"fuck what they think" he says and i smile, "i'll just tell them you seduced me into your bed or kidnapped me" he jokes and i gasp turning onto my other side to look at him. he's already looking at me once i face him.

"you wouldn't do such a thing." i say and he raises an eyebrow, "can't let everyone know i got a soft spot for you josie girl so i most definitely would" his hand wraps around my neck and pulls my lips into his. it's soft, and gentle and it lingers for a second before he pulls away and closes his eyes back.

his hand reaches up and covers my eyes, "go back to sleep before granger comes in and hex's me" he says and i tuck my head against his chest and listen to his heart beat.

it's the sweetest lullaby that puts me right back to sleep.

it's a little while later when i hear whispering.

"granger im not fucking doing anything" draco says in a hiss/whisper.

"malfoy you're sleeping next to my best friend and she's all curled up next to you, i come back you're wide awake reading a book letting her sleep on you, you're up to something what is it?" hermione pushes. he shift's uncomfortably, but is still careful of my head laying on his chest and a arm snaked around his stomach.

"fuck off will ya? i'm just being a friend for her. unlike you gryffindors" he says and she gasps, "watch your tongue you snake, you don't know the first thing about josalynn" she says and i feel weight on the bed next to my feet, malfoy mumbles out a "careful" annoyingly as she huffs.

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