4.New Home

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Axel's POV

We searched round the house but we didn't see Alyssa. Bianca searched her room and discovered that most of her things were gone.

She left.

I didn't know how to feel about that. I thought I hated Alyssa so much but not seeing her here anymore made me realize something.

I missed her.

Only now had I started to realize how foolish I was over the past three years. Alyssa didn't do anything wrong. Her parents passing wasn't her fault. She never meant for them to die.

I felt a missing piece in me. I couldn't be myself anymore. Mason was furious with me and so was I with myself.

I knew she left because of me. Because I rejected her. How could I have done that to my mate? Only now was I starting to realize the amount of pain she must have felt.

Everyone in the pack house was moody for the rest of the day. No one talked to each other. I could see Alyssa's absence had made us realize just how much she meant to us.

"I miss her." Bianca confessed as we all gathered around the table for lunch.

"I wonder where she is, if she's alright. She must be so lonely and scared. I can't believe how we neglected her these past three years. She was a mourning child for crying out loud!" Mom exclaimed, basking in sorrow.

"I've had some of the pack warriors go out to find her. So you guys shouldn't worry much." Dad said.

In all I just kept quiet. I didn't tell anyone yet about her being my mate. That would transfer all the aggressions towards me.

Call me selfish or whatever but I didn't want any issues now as I'll soon be taking over the Alpha position.

If I told them I rejected my mate, wouldn't that make me a bad leader?

I got up abruptly and left the dinning room. I didn't have any appetite for food.

My mate was out there, probably being tortured or dead already. The thought of that made me whimper.

I'm just starting to realize something.

I loved Alyssa a lot

Alyssa's POV

Alpha Miles was nothing I ever imagined an Alpha to be.

I accepted the deal if you could even call it that and now he was showing me around the pack house and introducing me to everyone.

I learnt a lot about him in just one afternoon.

Apparently he was an orphan and had to take over the Alpha position at age 16 after his father died in a war. I felt really sad for him. His childhood was stripped from him but I could tell he was a wise and courageous leader.

He had a twin sister Mila and she was just as energetic and bubbly as he was. She looked like the feminine version of him and I could tell why they were twins.

We immediately became best friends in a matter of minutes as apparently we had a lot in common.

From our favourite food to our taste in music, we were alike. She also told me she paints which was really cool.

I also got to know later about the three guys I met at the river.

The black haired one who manhandled me was Seth the beta. He was a year older than Miles. He was the strictest of them all. He later apologized for the way he rough handled me and explained his distaste for rogues after all his mother was killed by one. I understood quickly and sympathize with him. We were cool in an instant.

The brown haired one was Greg the gamma and he just happened to be this reserved guy who apparently had issues with talking to people. I knew it would need a lot of opening up before he and I could be close. He was the same age as Miles and Mila.

The blonde one Aiden was my age and very immature. He was a playboy according to Mila and all the maids in the house wouldn't stop flashing smiles and winking at him. But I liked him because he was charming and funny too. He made me laugh most of the time, making me forget my sorrows and worries. He was Miles and Mila's cousin.

Now I was in my new room which was fairly spacious and neat.

There was a twin bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a vanity. I had started unpacking my little belongins.

Miles insisted that I'd go shopping for more things tomorrow and I couldn't argue because he was very persistent. Mila offered to go with me and pick only the best outfits for me.

She was rather too ecstatic about squandering her brother's money.

I stared at the picture of my parents in my hands and a tear slid down my face.

Are they happy I made this decision? Are they happy I left our home?

A knock on the door snap me out of my daze and I quickly put the picture away, wiping my cheeks.

"Come in." I said. A head peaked in then Miles entered the room, smiling contagiously.

"Miles." I breathed.

"Hey. Came to inform you that dinner will be served soon." He said, eyes raking my small figure.

I blushed at his intense gaze and nodded.


"Tomorrow evening will be your induction into the pack." He said hands behind his back. Right now he was acting like a strict leader, all signs of playfulness forgotten.

I swallowed and nodded slowly.

This was a big deal.

To be inducted into another pack meant cutting off all your ties with your old pack. They'd feel it once it was done. Although you could always go back. But of course I wasn't planning to do that.

"Okay." I said and smiled. I was ready for this.

Miles and his pack members have been nothing but kind to me. Here I felt wanted. Here I felt happiness I haven't felt in three years.

"You should come out for dinner." He said and smiled at me before leaving.

I quickly put away the rest of my things and hurried after him.

I love my new home


Hey lovelies.

Hope you enjoyed this chap?

Pls vote. Love you all💜

Authoress out, peace

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