15.Ultimate Power

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Allysa's POV

I went to a nearby bush and transformed into my wolf.

I ran as fast as I could to the pack's boundary. On Getting there, I noticed a dozen guard wolves and hid behind a tree to change back.

Putting on the clothes I had in my mouth,
I walked towards the wolves and they bowed to me in respect.

Everyone in the pack treated me with respect because Miles told them to.

It made me uncomfortable at first, considering the fact that I'm not truly from this pack.

But I've gotten used to it now.

"Let me through, I need to be somewhere." I said and they all exchanged looks before one who I think was their leader approached me.

"I'm sorry but Alpha wouldn't allow that unless you're with him." He said and I sighed.

I had to get across. My son's life was at stake here.

"I promise, it would be quick. Just let me-" before I could finish my sentence, gunshots were heard and all the guards suddenly fell flat, dead.

I screamed in horror and placed my palm over my mouth in an attempt to suppress my screams.

I looked up to see the culprit and four large men, dressed in black and all wearing masks approached me.

"Who...who are....are you?" I asked shakily.

I still couldn't digest the fact that the men I was talking to about a minute ago were now all dead.

"You want to see your son right? Then you better come with us." One of the men said and before I could respond, I blacked out.

Axel's Pov

I couldn't accept the fact that my mate might have had a child with Alpha Miles.

No,I didn't believe it.

Any sane person would see my resemblance to that pup and Alyssa probably just hated me right now and that's why she wouldn't tell me the truth.

"I don't believe that." I said and the bastard told me to go to hell.

I lunged at him furiously and we broke into a fight.

"Can you both just stop it?! You're both fucking Alphas yet acting like a child! For goddess' sake the woman you're both fighting over has disappeared!" Mila suddenly yelled making us halt pulling out each other's throat.

"Where did she go?" Alpha Miles asked panicked.

"We couldn't notice cos we were busy trying to separate you two." The pregnant lady who had been quite since I got here said.

"Anthony look for her upstairs." Alpha Miles said and Anthony obliged immediately.

"I'll look outside. Mila look around this floor." Alpha Miles said again and ran out.

Mila also left leaving just I and the pregnant lady.

"I know you've made a mistake by rejecting your mate and you must have realised that too. I'll tell you this. Alyssa loves Kian dearly and she'll do anything to protect him.

If he has been kidnapped by an enemy pack, he should be there. Alyssa also knows that and therefore she must have gone to get her son.

Make your amendments quickly and go save your son." She said and left.

I blinked twice, registering all what she said and sprinted out of the house.

I bumped into Alpha Miles outside but didn't stop running.

I transformed into my wolf and ran as fast as I could towards the Pack's boundary.

That lady was right.

Alyssa must have gone to save her son at cross moon pack.

On reaching the Pack's boundary, my suspicions were confirmed.

Those bastards must have intruded. They killed so many innocent wolves!

My Alyssa must be in trouble. I need to save her.

I ran so fast without a break. Crossmoon pack was an hour from here and I'll make sure to get there just in time to save my mate.

Alyssa's Pov

I opened my eyes slowly and registered my environs.

I was tied on a chair in a small, very dark and stuffy room.

The only available source of light was from a small window on the ceiling.

The room reeked of dried blood. This must be a toture room.

The door opened and in came a fat, short old man.

He grinned at me and I almost puked just at the sight of his decayed tooth. The room bit brighter now that the door was opened.

"Hello beautiful." The man said in a really gruff voice.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Haha. You're a really funny one. You cut straight to the chase, no time to spare huh. Haha." He laughed animatedly.

In my opinion, he was the funny one. He was laughing when nothing was funny literally.

"I'm Alpha Lawrence. I'm sure you must have heard about me from Miles boy and my men did pay a little visit to you once." He said and I scrunched my face.

Was he referring to the day I saw a shadow by the window? He must have been scheming this for long.

"My son and I have done you no harm. You have an issue with Miles not me!" I said suddenly frustrated.

"Hahahaha. I really said it that you wouldn't be as boring as the rest." He said and sat on the chair before me.

How did I not notice the chair before now?

"You see, all these years of my life, I've been destroying Packs just to expand mine. Killing useless Alphas just to gain more power.

I mean you couldn't blame me as a mateless wolf."

What was he ranting about? He was destroying Packs and killing innocent people just because he didn't have a mate?

"And you really think if your mate saw all what you've been doing, she'd appreciate that?" I tilted my head and he stood up angrily.

"She died! Because of the useless Alphas she died! I needed to gain power to avenge her death. I was so weak, I couldn't protect her. Do you even know the pain of loosing your mate?!

Oh I'm sure you do after all your mate rejected you!" He yelled and I looked down. Did he have to mention the part of my mate rejecting me?

"Now I'm so powerful, but I won't stop until I've wiped out every single Alpha in existence, until I've gained the ultimate power!" He said and started laughing hysterically.

Was he been serious right now?

"Not while I'm still around, fat soul." I looked up immediately at the sound of my mate's voice.

I couldn't believe it, my mate was really here!

Hey Lovelies 💜

Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoyed this chap😉 Please vote and comment🙏

Love you all, byeee

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