6.All Pink

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You're a beautiful person if you're reading this.
Axel's POV

Things haven't been the same since Alyssa's disappearance. The search party wasn't able to find her since and they had all given up.

Everyone became quiet and only said a few words to each other. The pack house had become really gloomy.

I had taken over the Alpha position from my father and was doing a great job so far. I became this cold and strict Alpha simply because of the grieve of loosing my mate. Each passing day I felt that longing in my heart to see her. I was in an internal battle with my wolf.

He urged me everyday to go look for our mate but I just couldn't. As much as I wanted to find Alyssa, I couldn't neglect my Alpha duties. So I hired Manuel a secret agent to find my mate.

Alyssa's POV

It's been four months since I found out about my pregnancy. Everyone was treating me with so much love and care and for once again in my life, I started to feel loved.

I realized that I was carrying my mates baby. I didn't know how to feel about that after all he rejected me so I decided to raise my child alone and not let Axel know about him. I didn't want him to reject my baby too.

The others agreed with me. They were all very happy about the fact that a baby would be joining the family. Even Greg started opening up to me.

One time he bought me a baby blanket and these were his exact words.

"I went shopping for my blazers and just saw this blanket. I thought it'll be very nice for your baby so I bought it."

That was the most words Greg had ever spoken to me and I felt really overwhelmed.

Miles got really overprotective. He wouldn't let me do stuff and put me on bed rest for an entire day. I felt like a sick woman with the way he treated me.

I just wanted to snap at him and tell him that I was only pregnant not sick but I knew he was only looking out for my baby and I and that would hurt his feelings so I put up with him.

Mila on the other hand took it as her priority to make the baby room which was just next to mine. I wanted to refuse and say it's alright for my baby to live in my room but she blatantly refused.

She claimed that the baby had to have a room of his own so it'll feel independent even at a very young age. I didn't understand her logic but I couldn't argue either so I just obliged.

Presently we just had breakfast and we were both heading out to go baby shopping.

At the mall Mila kept picking out pink things and baby girl dresses.

"How are you sure the baby's gonna be a girl?" I asked her as I took out a blue diaper bag.

"Because I prayed so." She simply shrugged stuffing the cart with the things she was holding. "And how are you sure it'll be a boy?" She said eying the blue diaper bag I was holding.

"Oh. You can call it mother instincts." I said rubbing on my small baby bump.

She snorted and pushed the cart.

At the counter, the cashier looked at us like we were insane. I couldn't blame her though. Mila had outdid herself by stuffing two carts with baby toys and clothes. All pink.

I didn't bother to argue with her cos that'll just be a waste of breath and energy.

After the cashier packed everything, we had to phone Aiden and Greg to come help us out.

"Our little princess is gonna be the cutest." Aiden said once we were home going through the things we bought.

"Yeah, finally someone agrees with me that the baby's gonna be a girl." Mila said as she fist bumped Aiden.

"I want it to be a boy." Greg said making us turn our heads to him. He gave us a look that said 'what?' and shrugged. I smiled lightly. I liked this side of Greg.

"Actually it's gonna be a girl." Seth said suddenly at the door and we all turned to him. He was working with Miles in the office when did he get here?

"The room looks nice." He said observing the huge white crib at a corner of the room.

"It's not even near finished. Once we confirm the gender of the baby which actually isn't necessary as the baby's gonna be a girl, I'm going to paint this room pink." Mila said looking around dreamingly.

"I agree"
"I disagree"

Aiden and Greg said simultaneously and we all burst out laughing.

The next day was my ultrasound. Doc Wills smiled at me warmly as he rubbed the cold liquid over my tummy.

He placed the device on my belly and pointed to the black screen.

"Take a look at this Alyssa. Your baby is very healthy." He said smiling. I felt my heart swell with happiness as I looked at the blurry picture of my baby. It was so tiny. Something so precious was living inside of me.

Miles was beside me also looking into the screen smiling.

"What's the gender?" He asked.

"Uhm let's see..." Doc Wills said, running the device on my stomach.

"It's a boy." He said.

"That's marvellous." Miles said happily.

I'm going to have a little boy. A little prince. I smiled at that thought. My poor baby though. He's going to grow up without a father. A tear slid down my face at that thought.

Miles rubbed my arm and smiled at me encouragingly. I wiped my tears and smiled back.

Mila and Aiden were dumbfounded when we told them about the baby being a boy. Miles mocked them and Greg was happy.

Seth didn't mind anymore. He was just happy the baby was healthy.

We had to take out all the baby girl's things Mila bought and replace them with boy's things.

Mila, Aiden and I painted the room baby blue and we made little designs on the wall with white paint. The others also helped out and we all dipped our hands in the white paint and placed it on the wall making beautiful hand prints.

It was so much fun. There was so much love and happiness.

By evening time, we were done with the room. It looked so beautiful. Blue themed and special.

We were now having dinner and laughing over random jokes Aiden was making. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my abdomen and cried out.

Everyone turned to me and Miles was beside me the next second.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"No....my belly. It..it hurts." I said and felt the pain again. I stood up from the stool and held unto Miles scrunching my face in pain.

"We need to get her to the hospital. Seth get the car!" Was the last I heard before I totally blacked out.


Hey lovelies

Whose POV do you like better, Alyssa's or Axel's? Pls let me know in the comments.

Pls vote. Love you all, bye.

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