The Better Band

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You took advantage of my love
You took all and left me none
You said that you still had feelings
You sent gifts and all your fancy things

I can't stop it, but I miss
Every day without your kindness
Each visit and every phone call
You made it up to me, after all

Once you knew that you had feelings,
For someone else and not just me
I held my tongue, I trusted you
Believed that all your words were true

After all these years I guess my love was not enough
It's so hard to come to terms with all this painful stuff
You stayed because you knew I didn't have the guts to let you go
You stayed because you knew you'd always have me to run back home to

I found so much comfort in each word you had to say
I never could imagine that I'd finally reach the day
Where I couldn't tell you everything
How can I write my songs without your singing

Sometimes life has other plans
There will always be a better band
You're out singing on the floor
I wish could be there for the encore

But somehow after all this time it's just not meant to be
A solo act, my one-lined melody

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