I may have ADHD

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Sirius hated the kid, Loki, as he was called by all his associates. Talking about his godson. Oh, how Sirius missed his godson. He ran away from the Dursley residence about seven years ago.

He had been sent there by James and Lily when he was only six and if he was alive, he would be around fifteen today. . . . 

Forget it, Sirius scolded himself.

And then there was the fact that Loki had called out on Mooney about his. . . .furry little problem. But what he says is true, James and Remus both had gotten letters telling them Mooney couldn't stay the godfather of Ryan. And Sirius would not say that I liked the ministry for it. Like, how can they judge someone for something they can't control?!?!

But Loki reminded Sirius of someone. Of. . . . James when we were younger. Now he had matured off, but that does not mean he, Sirius, Mooney, and the treacherous rat-thought it was mostly Sirius and James- had been jerks when we were younger. And there was one thing that he still carried on to his mature-er years: comebacks.

Not a single thing he doesn't have a comeback for.

Back on track, sorry- Mooney thinks I have ADHD and- oh gods, I need better concentration, Sirius grumbled inaudibly. He took the Legacies to the room in Kaden Manor that was acting as the HQ for some time. The first person to see our arrival was. . . . everyone. The group may or may not have made an unnecessarily dramatic entrance. 

"Ah, the elusive Legacies under arrest. Well not so elusive now, are they?" Madame Rosa is the rudest person Sirius knows. . . . other than Snape. And she was not someone you would find, uh, pleasant to see, either. She is the devil incarnated, Sirius is sure. And she wore all white, which does not look good with her overly reddish skin. It's like she has applied blush all over her body, if Sirius may quote Lily. She wears gloves all the way up to her elbows, and  her reasoning: "Would you rather I touch all the germs in this world?" Like, what the hell?

"Are we? Or is this just some petty illusion?" The only other Male in the group other than Loki asked.

"Of course you are," Rosa did not look good while angry, her heavy but short frame made her look a lot like Umbridge-another person I hate with a passion.

"Are you sure?" one of the females of the quartet asked. Her voice was dreamy-like. A lot like when Emmeline Lovegood was irritated. 

"Of course, I am sure, You are right in front of me," she pointed at them for good measure. Does she know that she is making a fool of herself? Or that most of the Order members are snickering behind her back but trying and failing miserably in stopping it.

God, give me power. . . .to stop myself from laughing myself silly, Sirius thought.








~Zoe(they rhyme^)

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