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HEY! I know it's not a great story and it has many plot holes but I'm trying my best. And I should have shown the reaction to the Legacies being revealed but...

Harry, Nev, Luc, and Mia were gathered on the girls' room bed, discussing something serious. Harry seemed to be in a bit of a bind and was seeking his friends' help. 

"Come on, guys, I need your help, please, " Harry pleaded with his friends.

 "What's the matter, Harry?" Luc asked. 

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Nev suggested, "Why don't we just tell Gringotts to summon them and drag them there?" 

Mia, with a disapproving look, chided Nev, "You're spending too much time with Harry, Nev." 

Harry was desperate for a solution and said, "Mia, you're always the one with the best advice. What should I do?"

 Mia replied, "If there's an answer in a book, I can give it to you." 

Luc suggested, "Harry, why don't you follow Nev's idea? It might work." 

Harry thought for a moment and then said, "Maybe." 

Nev, with a sly look on his face, asked, "So, Harry, who's your mate?" 

Harry blushed and mumbled, "Blaise...Zabini."

 Mia was surprised and asked, "Zabini?" Harry nodded. 

Luc, with a curious tone, asked, "When are you going to tell him?" 

Harry hesitated and said, "After this drama. Maybe." 

"Maybe?" Luc asked.

 Harry explained, "His inheritance is still six months away. I don't know if I should tell him yet."  

Nev interrupted, "You should tell him, Harry. Promise us that you will."

 Harry was annoyed and said, "Do you have so little faith in me?"

 "Swear it," Nev insisted. 

"Fine. I, Harry Evans-Potter, swear on my life and magic that I shall tell Blaise Zabini that he is my mate," Harry said with a sigh. 

Mia corrected him, "You got it wrong, Harry. You need to use your full name, Hadrian."

 Harry grumbled, "Well, I'm not repeating it." 

Luna, who had been silently listening, spoke up, "Swear it, Harry."

She knew Harry well and could see something in his eyes. He did not want to make the first move, he wanted Blaise to do it. Whether it was because he was actually nervous or it seemed like a game to him, she did not know.

Harry sighed and said, "Fine. I, Hadrian James Zach Sirius Evans-Potter, swear on my life and magic that I shall tell Blaise Zabini that he is my mate." 

With that, the four friends returned to discussing their plans, hoping that Harry would keep his promise and tell Blaise about his feelings. Yes, he also had a crush on Blaise even before the inheritance.


"Um, excuse me," Harry interrupted Lily and James's conversation in the living room. 

"Yes?" James asked.

"well... Gringotts is demanding your presence," Harry said, trying his very best to not sound scared. He hadn't talked to his family in about seven years... so...

"They would have owled us if that was the case," Lily replied.

"You have a mail-ward around your house," Harry stated, flatly.

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