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       My gaze snagged on his abs as he lifted the hem of his tee. I knew him. But he doesn't know that I'm here. He should be on the ship, talking to his girlfriend. Before coming here, I was excited and very happy that I was going to meet him. But it changed the moment I received a message from an unknown user. She showed me her pictures with him. She said they were dating. He lied to me. He broke my heart. I felt betrayed. I wanted to throw something on him. But I couldn't. Even I couldn't hold on to my anger. The book was lifted up covering my face except my eyes. I thanked the hoodie that helped me to camouflage myself. He couldn't see me. He doesn't need to know that I am in Italy. And jobless! 

      We talked on WhatsApp daily except for the last fifteen days. I couldn't bring myself to text him or reply to him after receiving messages from his girlfriend. It hurts. But I am not considering this right now. It was the first time we were seeing each other face to face. 

     He is over six feet, dark hair which shaded dark almond brown in the sun. He needs a haircut, his long hair covering his forehead. But I like his straight-long hair, slight beard, and dark brown eyes. He is wearing dark jeans, a grey tee, and a speaker. He is looking like a teenager today instead of a mature one. 

     My heart began to race in my chest when his gaze swept around the small place, taking in the chair taken by book readers. I lifted my book, pretending to read, almost hiding my face. 

     He didn't need to know that I was the same girl. Why was he here? He would have just come from the sea. He should go to a club with his friends.  

     I lowered my book one more time. I caught the name of the book. Harry Potter? 

     Goodness! Is he purchasing this for me? No way! He doesn't know I'm here. 

     He took out his phone and clicked the picture of the book. My gaze stayed glued to him. My heart was beating louder, but I eased my nervousness this time. He didn't need to know. If I could recognize him, he could too. 

      He leaned against the bookshelf. This one wasn't a fantasy section. Romantic Section. He pulled out a book with a decent animation cover. With a smile, he added it to the previous one. I enjoyed the warm expression on his face. He was doing things to me like feeling a lot of things. 

     My stomach flipped. What was wrong with me? I couldn't love again. No one could love me back. Rio was different from my Ex. But I couldn't take the risk, couldn't put my heart into a dangerous situation again. Why would he choose me when he could have anyone? His pictures on Instagram couldn't justify him. 

     He has a girlfriend. I reminded myself. 

     The bell on the front door tinkled, "Elly, did you find the book you're looking for?" Teresa, my friend shouted as she swept into the store. The book slipped from my hands in surprise. She is French, her skin is olive and her dark chestnut hair is cut short. She is a stylish girl and a social media influencer, so brands paid her to travel around the world, be gorgeous, and live a beautiful life. She is going to get married in Las Vegas tomorrow night. I was the first one she had invited. Her to-be-husband is a businessman. They are going to make a great pair. 

       She invited me here to attend her wedding. I couldn't tell him. I wanted to. I like him but I am frightened of the heartbreak. His girlfriend is the main reason. She didn't even want me to befriend him. 

      My eyes widened. I saw Rio's head jerking at me. The surprise could be seen on his face. He is still clenching the books in his hands. Did he recognize me? No! I wasn't the only one with this name. 

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