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         Rio poured a cup of broth into the risotto he was making for his guests. Everything was almost done. It was hard to peel my gaze off of him, particularly when I was watching him cooking. Nerves settled in my stomach. I was struggling to get rid of this feeling. 

      To make tomato sauce, I began to wash them. I was enjoying spending time with him. But what next? He was already in a relationship. She would definitely be mad at him for inviting me to his home. He also wanted me to attend his brother's wedding and meet his family. It was quite unbelievable. 

     Suddenly, his arms came around me. Slowly, I lifted my chin, looking over my shoulder. I met his calm gaze, a smile on his face. 

     "I'll do this, Sugar." I dropped the tomatoes. 

     His smile broadened. Taking my both hands into his strong but soft grip, he twirled me to face him. His arm came around my waist, tugging me to his chest. Heat crawled through my body. My stomach was touching his abs. 

     I'm staying here just for dinner. I don't want to fall into bed with him. If I stay here I wouldn't guarantee that I wouldn't. No matter how hard I tried, my mind couldn't help spinning around it. 

      "There's a dress for you. Will you change in it?" He asked softly, his arm tightening around my stomach. 

      I sucked in a deep breath that I was holding. "A dress?" I asked, lowering my eyes. I could feel love in his eyes for me. But how could that be if he was dating someone else? 

      He drew his face closer. His hand snaked on the side of my hip. His hot breath hit the crook of my neck. 

      Heat pooled in my stomach. His tall, strong frame was doing things to me. It was just a hold on me. 

      "I wanna see you on it." He huskily said, beseeching. I could feel his strength. I felt more electric and alive with his arms around me. Life seemed to be full of colors that were lacking before his arrival. 

      "Okay," I put my hand on the back of his hand but I couldn't bring myself to push him away. 

     "Very well." He drew his arms back and my feet touched the floor. He tugged me out of the kitchen. 

      His feet halted in front of a mahogany door. He twisted the knob and pushed it open. "Left side of the cupboard." He left me standing there in shock. Did he leave me to rummage through his things? 

      "I'm bad at finding things. " I whispered but he was already gone back into the kitchen. 

     I closed the door behind me. The walls were painted differently from the rest of the room, dark grey, and white, mahogany furniture, a white set of couches at the one corner of the room with a round glass table. 

      The left side of the cupboard. I recalled his words in my head. I walked over it. I stared at it without thinking over anything. 

      "Do you get it, Sugar?" I heard him. 

     I opened it hurriedly. My gaze halted on his expensive suits, tees, and jeans. I wasn't going to touch anything. I kept searching with my eyes. 

     "The black one?" I asked a little louder. It was neatly folded over his other sets of t-shirts. 

     "Yes, the folded one. There's only one female dress. It's easy." His voice was mocking. 

     Gnawing on my lower lip, I picked it up. It unfolded, revealing a full-length bodycon dress. I clung it to my chest, drifting my eyes around. It was a gorgeous one. For a moment, I felt my dreams shattered. 

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