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Pulling up to the bakery, it after 5 and it was quite busy. Everyone was there for the special and Joey wanted to know what was it, since a sign on the door said special cake today for free. Joey couldn't wait. As he was walking in he noticed the cashier lady and walked towards her. " ugh.. Hi." She smiled, " Hi there!". Joey begin thanking her for the cake and signed, " I ate it all". He blushed. She looked at him and pulled him to the back of the bakery. Joey was a bit nervous and just stood there staring at her confused. She finally spoked, " that was a huge cake!, how could anyone eat that?." Joey became embarrassed, " A fat ass like me." She instantly grabbed his hand and said, " There is nothing wrong with a man who likes to eat." " yeah but, I'm not that type of guy, never been and never will be." He said. She looked at Joey and said " oh I'm sorry didn't mean to offend you, ughh." She was trying to remember if she knew his name. " it's Joey, but you can call me Joe, and I'm not offended, it's just yes I like food but, I don't go overboard with it." " well my name is Sam and I understand." With that her boss came in and asked if everything was okay and she said yeah. "Well, I'll get going, don't want to hold you up," he said. She handed him another cake and they exchanged numbers. Joey was happy and little did he know Sam had found her soon to be chub.

Joey returned home, he so elated that he actually found a nice girl to talk with and she didn't care about how he loved food. Before he got home, he stopped for pizza, ignoring that grumbling in his stomach was driving him nuts. He ordered three large pizza and was so embarrassed but he knew he wasn't gonna eat all three, maybe a few slices. Well that was lie Joey ate all three and the cake Sam made. Once he was done, his belly was swollen from the food and he could barely breathe. His phone was ringing and he looked and didn't recognize the number but he answered. It was Sam, she grew concerned, when she heard how Joey was breathing. " Are you okay, you need help?". All joey could say was his belly was aching. " can I come over and help you?, if you're okay with that?." Joey gave out his address and was so out of it, when Sam finally showed up he was in a food coma.

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