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Sam was just finishing up the food for Joey. She was so proud of herself. She made a feast. For dessert she made a chocolate cake with the chocolate formula. She hear a knock at the door and it Joey. She opened the door and smiled, " Are you okay, was it too much walking." Joey was breathing so hard but smiling. " I'm ready to eat!." Sam let him and blindfolded him. She guided him to the chair and he sat down and Sam noticed his belly. " somebody's getting chunky." They both laughed. She took the blindfolded off and Joey's face lit up. " I'm gonna get so fat from this!." He began eating, slurping down everything and complementing how good of baker and cook Sam was. In mid eating, Joey stopped and burped. " Sam, would you be my girlfriend?." He asked smiling with grease all over his mouth. Sam laughed, " yes and I have a requirement." Joey smiled, "what's that?." Sam blurred out, " I only date fat guys and I mean like morbidly obese type of guys." She closed her eyes with embarrassment. Joey touched her hand, " I think I'm past that requirement." They both smiled. Sam also told Joey she's been getting him fat on purpose and is sorry for that, she should have told him from jump. Joey looked her and laughed, " I think we all know that I was becoming a fat ass, I'm not surprised." So Joey ate and ate up all the food. He took off his clothes and told Sam that, he wanted to be fatten up so, his Job could pay him to work from home or be fired because he asked his boss who told him, he was his best worker and didn't mind if he wanted to work from home. Sam squealed with excitement, she grabbed Joey who was now waddle. " let me feed you in my secret hideout room. That night Sam knew Joey was going to be her husband.

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