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A month later Joey was still gaining and wanted everyone to see his gains. Sam weighed him in the morning and boy was he shocked. He was now 515 pounds. He was so excited, all that food and shakes was adding up. Walking into the office, Joey realized everyone wasn't there yet. He took that time to pig out in the break room. Sam would pack him so much food, he would eat it in seconds. Yes, he was getting greedier but the goal was to reach 600 pounds. Once done, Joey patted his belly. " can't wait for my second breakfast, but he couldn't wait and chugged down the shake Sam made. He was stuffed and could barely move but he got up and made his way back to his office. The doorframe was getting tight and Joey was getting excited. He pushed by and finally got to his desk. He sat down and the chair creaked loudly. Joey smiled, " I gotta break this chair, what can I do?." He glanced around and remembered, he wanted Sam to send him cakes during her breaks. He sent her text to send a cake and a shake. She texted a winked emoji and said she'll send her employee over. Still no one came in yet, Joey checked the clock it was 9 yet and forgot he wanted to get to work early to bloat and let everyone see his weight process. Joey phone chimed and told security he had a delivery and could they bring it up. Once the goodies arrived, Joey squeezed his way out his office doorframe and met the security guard and he took the cake to the break room and he ate and drank until he was done. He look at his phone it was 8:45am. It was show time, waddling back to the small office door, Joey breathing heavily and sat down on the chair and hit the floor. The poor chair was demolished. Joey got up slowly, all sweaty and he laughed. But a wave of extreme excitement came over and Joey wanted more, he wanted to become more bloated so he opened his now bigger fridge and drank all the milk, heavy cream, and shakes from Sam. His shirt was so tight, the buttons were barely hanging on. He heard voices and stood in his doorway, he couldn't get out, so once everyone was walking in, Joey yelled, " can someone help me, I'm stuck." Everyone gathered around and Joey couldn't hold it, he was bursting out of his shirt and the burps were coming out so fast. With disgust everyone left him with his belly hanging out swaying back and forth. Joey laughed and said, " I'm 515 pounds today and I'm planning on getting bigger" he burped out.
Joey squeezed back inside his office,he sati to himself, " come on Sam I gotta get bigger".

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