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Joey woke up the next morning on a couch, last night was crazy. He looked around and jumped up but really couldn't, something was weighing him down. He looked down and there it was his belly was hanging out his shirt. "Wtf!." Sam came walking in holding a shake for him. " Good morning, hungry?". Just like that Joey grabs the shake and chugs it down. Letting out a burp, " why am I here?, I'm going to be late for work." Sam sat down and told him, they already called and she handled it for him and he has the day off. Joey became nervous. " I have deadlines to make, I gotta go." Before he could even get up, his body was feeling heavy. Sam laughed, she helped him up. " you want more shake to take home?". Joey replied like a kid, "yes please." Sam gave him her secret powder and told Joey, " Don't over do it, or you'll be needing a wheelchair". She joke with him. She dropped Joey off home.

Few hours later, Joey was showering, he noticed his belly wasn't bloated anymore but he now looking round. He figured it'll go away, besides he never was over 200 pounds. Once out the shower, he dried off and was putting on his boxers, they were a bit snugged. He grabbed his shirt and shorts and notice that they were tight but he was still in denial. Walking to the kitchen he saw the powder Sam had gave him, she told him it was just a shake powder that was used for breakfast or maybe a milkshake. She gave him a ziplock bag full of it. Joey was thinking why keep making them and just drink the whole thing. He made breakfast again and made the whole bag of powder. After eating and drinking, Joey was bloated again and his clothes became tighter. He laughed and patted his belly. "That was good, let me call Sam, I need more."

Night time arrived and yet again Joey was hungry but he was craving that shake from Sam. He called and left a message, saying he wanted some more powder because like a fat ass he was out. A knock at his door was a young teenager. Joey opened the door and the guy handed him a big container. "Ms. Sam said don't over do it ." Joey, grabbed the container and laughed. "I won't". Which was lies because Joey was gonna finished it before the night was over. He closed his door and just like that he used all the shake powder and passed out.

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