The day

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Monday came fast and so did all that shake that Joey had. He didn't tell Sam what he had done but she going to freak out because Joey waddle to the bathroom and was in complete shock. That gainer shake was no joke. He was definitely bigger and more jiggly, his chins were so thick and fat, his belly was hanging to his knees, his man boobs were heavy and plumped. He stepped on the scale and it chimed "868 pounds". Joey almost fell down. He started to panic because Sam was up and calling his name. Before he could speak, she yelled, " what did you do Joey!!!." Joey could barely speak, but he instantly smiled, "I'm so fucking fat, ugh Sam." He was moaning and Sam instantly started rubbing his body and kissing him. " how are we going to have sex?"she laughed. Joey waddle to the bedroom, they made all the doorframes larger Joey so he could move around. He was now on the bed, lying on his back. So Sam was on top of him, she moved all his belly to the side and yup they made love.

After sex, she clean Joey and herself. Let's get going to your job. She helped him up boy was he heavy, everything was jiggling around. " I need clothes" Joey said breathing hard. Sam was thinking if he's over 800 pounds he needs between a 9x and 10x. So also need to get him an 8x, because he wanted to show his gains off at work. It was 7:30am and Sam told Joey she's running to the store to find the clothes. Joey agreed and said " can you bring me food please." Sam agreed and she left.

Sam pulled up to the big and chub store. Yes, it was open and she grabbed what she needed. The fat cashier guy said " he's a lucky guy." Sam smiled and made her way back home.

Joey ate and was now dressed. He was so stuffed and ready to show his gains off. Sam let him sit in the back with chair pushed back but Joey still filled up the van. She laughed, " such a big boy". She handed him another shake and he chugged it fast. Driving to his job, Joey was dozing off and on. When they finally made it. Sam turned to Joey, " steps , or called them down". Joey told Sam " let me take the elevator first, I'm not a ton yet" he joked. He took the elevator up and walked the hallways, he couldn't wait for Sam he wanted to see everybody reactions to his weight. Sam finally got off and saw Joey waddling to the office, she laughed and caught up. " didn't know a fatty could move so fast." Once they enter the office, everyone stopped and couldn't believe Joey was ever fatter. Sam had the forgotten the cake and nudged Joey. " I forgot the cake!". People begin to yell for the boss, he came out and shook hands with Joey and said I'll send your stuff. " Thanks sir,". He turned to his coworkers and let out the biggest burp ever and said " Take care". Everyone stood in shocked.

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