chapter 3

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the next day at school you saw rin at his locker and you walk over to him

"hey emo"

he angrily turns around

"stop. calling. me. that."

"yeah yeah... but here is your scarf. thanks again" you hand it over to him

"no problem i guess.."

"how's your mom doing"

"good. she told my whole family that i have a "girlfriend"... i hate it. it's your fault!"

"don't care"

"btw y/n.."


rin takes something out of his locker and gives it to you. it's a small stack of papers.

"that's my homework and i need it til tomorrow so you know what to do"

he just closes his locker and walks away.
not even a goodbye?! that bastard.

small time skip

you have math class right now and the teacher lets everyone work on the task by themselves or together with people from the class. you were sitting there trying to solve the task until you hear rin's voice.

"hey idiot"

you look up at him

"i don't get this. explain it to me."


"shut up and do it"

"say the magic word"

"what the fuck..." he sighs

"do it"

"fine... please?"

"yea sure"

he glares at you
"i don't understand task b"

"okay so what you have to do is.."
you start explaining it slowly, step by step. you could see that rin was very focused as you explained it and after a few minutes you were done with your explanation.

"okay wait.."

he takes your pen and leans down so that he's closer to your notebook. you turn your face to the side where he's standing and you realise that his face is only a few inches away from yours and your lips slightly brush against his cheek. your eyes widen and you back off. the emerald haired boy looks over at you

"what did you just do?!"

"i didn't do anything! i just turned around to see what you're doing! why were you even so close to me??"

"i wasn't!"

"yes you were rin"

he stays silent and just looks back into your notebook. you sigh and watch him trying to solve the problem himself. you just stayed silent but after a minute you look at rin.
his side profile... woah..

you admire him for a few seconds until you realise what you're thinking.

"y/n, did i do this right?"

you look at your notebook and go trough his calculations..

"this is.."

"is..?!" there was a bit hope on his face

"completely wrong! didn't you listen to my explanation??"

"i did! explain it again.."

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