chapter 5

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you couldn't wait for prom since you knew that there was only one last week left. the thought of being in a beautiful dress, being with you friends and just having fun made you so excited.

but well... you got sick a few days ago and now you're just laying in bed, coughing loudly. your throat is completely sore, you just feel weak and you were praying that you'll be better soon.

since you've stayed in your bed for the past three days, you also haven't been to school. both your mom, your dad and your siblings are at work or school so you're completely alone.

you hear the doorbell ring, it was about 2pm and everyone from your family is usually back at 5pm or later that's why you're super confused. you groan and slowly get out of your bed. your muscles feel completely weak as you walk to the door. as soon as you opened it, your eyes widened.


"what are you doing here?!" you are completely shocked because how does he know where you live...PLUS you look fucking dead.

"you haven't been at school for the past three days"

"because i'm sick"

"you really look sick... god damn"

you sigh and let him in

"you should at least tell me that you won't be there, y/n"

"i was to tired.. i've been sleeping all day long" you mumble

"are you feeling a bit better?"

"kind of... i guess"

rin started saying something but your vision just slowly becomes blurry

"yeah so—" he says but you cut him off

"my vision is blurry... everything is spinning"


you hold yourself on the doorknob
fuck fuck...
you start getting a weird feeling in your stomach but you slowly feel arms around you. rin picks you gently up and searches for your room. he gets inside and puts you down on the bed. as soon as you lay down the emerald haired boy sprints to the kitchen to get some water. your vision becomes normal again as soon as he walks back into your room. he kneels down in front of your bed and gives you the glass of water.

"here, drink some water"

you nod and do as he says.
as you finished drinking the glas of water, you put it on your nightstand and lay back down.


"your welcome... did you eat already?"


"when did you eat, y/n?"

"i didn't eat anything today"

"you WHAT?! it's 2pm"


"shut up. i'll make you food"
before you could say anything, rin just walks out of your room. you sigh and just stare at the ceiling but your eyes feel heavy again.
i'll close them until he's back...


well, you open your eyes as you feel something cold and wet on your forehead. the first thing you see is rin looking at you...

"you have fever. your forehead was burning and thank god you're awake. you've been asleep for a whole hour"



"oh god.." you whisper and sigh. you open your mouth again to say something but your own stomach cuts you off by growling loudly.
"oh.." you add

"i made some warm soup... you wanna eat?" asks rin and you nod
"let me get it"

after a minute or two he was back with a bowl of soup.

"i made it myself, my mom showed how to make it... i hope it was okay for me using your kitchen"

"yeah don't worry"

you take the bowl and slowly start eating the soup. it made you feel so much better again.

"rin, this tastes amazing"

"thanks" the corner of his lips curl slightly

you stay silent and quietly eat the soup while sitting in your bed.

"your room is nice"

you look at rin with a slightly confused expression.


you laugh and smile "thank you"

"by the way, y/n"


"sooo... prom is soon and that means after prom we're going to "break up" ya know"

"yeah.. in almost a week everything is over" you mumble

"the time went by pretty quick, right?

"it really did, hm" you nod

"do you already have your dress for prom" he asks curiously

"oh yeah, it's somewhere in my closet"


you nod and just continue eating the soup quietly again. a silence appeared but it wasn't awkward like it used to be.

"don't get sick anymore though... you couldn't make my homework for the past days. you better feel better by tomorrow"

"are you serious?! you fucking bastard!"

"chill! it was a joke"

you roll your eyes and slurp on your soup.
son of a bitch...

after a while you finished it and put the bowl on your nightstand.

"alright alright. i gotta go again... it's getting pretty late. you better lay down again, okay"

"yeah.. thanks again"

"no need to thank me"

you slowly lay back down again. the taller boy takes the towel from before and walks out of the room. after a while he comes back and leans down to you. he gently brushes your hair out of your face and puts the cold towel back on your forehead again.

"here, now sleep well and text me when you're awake, alright?"


he nods and then leaves your apartment. you start feeling all fuzy and your stomach goes crazy...
the way he slowly brushed your hair out of your face, he even knows how to cook...
what the fuck... why do i feel like this??


short ahh chapter broooo😭 next chapter will be longer cuz it's finally going to be about that prom thingy 😤😤

whatever, sorry if i made grammar mistakes


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