chapter 4

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you are at the mall with rin since you had to buy a few things for school. pens, notebook and much more. the emerald boy was just quietly walking next to you, not saying a word and after almost 40 minutes you bought everything and you two went out of the store.

"thank god! it took you that long to buy a few things" he says and you shake your head

"nah it didn't take thaaaat long!"

"huh?! it took you almost 40 minutes"

"yeah yeah" you mumble and continue walking through the mall.

"by the way rin"


"what are you wearing for prom?"

"prom? i don't know... probably just suit pants and a shirt. what about you?"

"hm i was thinking about a dark green dress"

"dark green? that's cool"


"when is prom ag—"
before he could finish his sentence you cut him off

"WOAH!" your eyes are wide open

"huh what's wrong?"


you point at a beautiful café that just opened in the mall. it looked so beautiful from the outside, it's a mix with so many colours like purple, white, pink and much more. there were so many flowers and the music coming from the café sounds perfect. you walk over to it.

"where are you—? ugh..." he groans and just follows you. you take a peak into the café and it felt like you just fell in love. the cakes and drinks look BEAUTIFUL.

"rin! can we please go inside?"



"chill... yeah i guess—"


as soon as you both got inside, you got greeted by the barista. you sit down at a table and it was pretty empty since the café is completely new.

"do you even have enough money, y/n?"

"of course i do!"

"you literally just spent all of it for your school stuff"

"shhh! i have enough"

he rolls is eyes and starts looking through the menu card. there are so many things like cakes, cinnamon rolls, coffee, ect. at first you really didn't know what to pick until you found a strawberry shortcake and rin choose a matcha cake. he eventually ordered for the both of you and after like 5 minutes they brought the cake.

"this better taste good cuz it's expensive" he take the fork into his hand but you quickly slap his hand away


"let me eat my cake!" he says

"no" you take out your phone and take a picture first


"leave me alone! now eat your cake, emo!"

he angrily take his fork and starts eating. you sigh and do the same as him.

"this tastes good" says rin

"mhm! mine tastes amazing too! here, try a bit of mine"

"alright" he takes small piece and eats it.
"it does taste amazing. here try mine" he adds and you do the same. his cake tasted amazing as well and you really liked it even though you're not the biggest fan of matcha.

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