chapter 8

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it was monday and you couldn't get that dream out of your head and you still had no idea how to approach him and talk to him. rin will probably ignore or insult you..

the teacher was talking about something and you're just sitting there, not listening to him. you look over to rin, who was sitting on the other side of the classroom.

what can i do?? what should i say? ugh. maybe i can text him... nah that would be weird but talking to him would be weird too.. writing a letter is weird as well.

the emerald haired boy looks over to you. he holds eye contact with you for a few seconds until he looks away again. your heart starts beating when his eyes met yours and you can't believe you're admiting this but you kinda miss him...


the day went by pretty fast but since maths class you haven't seen rin around anymore. you searched everywhere for him and even asked his friends but they didn't know either.

i'm giving up...

time skip

since monday you haven't seen the teal eyed boy. it's like he's completely gone and it confuses you so much. you just wanted to see him again and talk to him.

maybe he's sick... what if i go to his place? would that be weird? nah, fuck it.

as soon as you heard the bell ring, you got up and immediately walked to the bus station. you still kinda remember where he lives and after a 40 minute long bus drive you finally arrived at the station where rin usually gets out. your legs feel wobbly and your heart was beating like you were running a marathon.

please let him be at home....

after a five minute walk you arrived infront of his house. you take a deep breath and ring on his doorbell.

no one opens...


you ring again but no one opens.

god damn was this 40 minute drive for nothing?!

you turned around to walk away again but the door opened.

as soon as you turned around, you saw rin's brother standing there.

"aren't you rin's girlfrie—"

"is rin at home?!" you cut sae off

"he's in his room"

"oh.. why wasn't he at school?"

"i dunno.. he said he wasn't feeling well."

you nod..

"can i please talk to him, sae...?"

"let me call him"

he walks away to knock on rin's door.
"you have a guest rin!"

a groan comes from the emerald haired boy and sae gives you a quick thumbs up before walking away.

and then finally, the emerald haired boy walks out of his room. he was focused on his phone.


he looks up and when he saw you, he immediately wanted to close the door but you managed to stop him.

"where were you this whole week???"

"why do you care?" he replies coldly

"i was worried, idiot"

he sighs "can you go now?"

"no, we have to talk!"

"there is nothing we have to talk about--"

"just listen, please"

he looks at you for a second before sighing again.

"let's at least go to the living room"

"fine" you say and follow him

"go on. what's there to talk about?"

"why did you ignore me for the past weeks??"

"why should i keep talking to you? you said that everything will be over after prom and that means that i don't have to talk to you"

"but still! we spent so much time together in the last two months--"

"does that matter, y/n?"

"it does matter to me, rin!"

"well it doesn't matter to me tho"

"not even a bit..?" you mumble and he bluntly shakes his head but you still had a bit hope.

"i missed you" you whisper

after a few seconds of silence you finally realised what you just said. the teal eyed boy looks kinda confused too,

"missed... me..?" his eyebrow raises

after a few more seconds of silence you finally decide to give in and tell him about your actual feelings.

"okay now listen rin...i hated you so much two months ago and i thought that you're the worst person ever but now that we spent soo much time together i realised that you're actually pretty cool. i had so much fun with you and..."

silence fills the room. you take a deep breath and start talking again.

"rin i--"

but he cuts you off "i have the same feelings for you"

silence, again.

"what...?" you whisper

"don't you get it? didn't i give you so many hints? we almost kissed at the photo booth"

"how should i know after you ignored me for weeks?"

"i don't know..." he sighs and leans back on the couch

"we're both idiots.."

he nods in response
"that means that we like each other...?" he adds

you smile softly and nod. "soo... that means...?"

"yeah we can actually try dating.. which means i'm your official boyfriend now"

he looks over at you and gently turns your face towards his.

"and that means i can do this now"
he whispers while slowly leaning in

is this dude crazy?!!??

after a few seconds you also lean in. your eyes close and right before your lips touched, you heard the front door open.

the emerald haired boy backs off and you look down to the floor.
it was so close... come on...

"rin! are you at home?" you immediately recognise his voice, it was his mom.

"yeah i'm at home.."

rin's mom walks into the living room and when she saw you she looked happy.

"y/n! how are you?"

you smile softly "i'm fine, how about you?"

"me too! are you two hungry—"

"no don't worry mom" says rin

"alright alright! i'll leave you two alone again!"


the next chapter will be the last chapter 😓

sorry if i made grammar mistakes

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