5.i had the time of my life,with you

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It had been almost 20 minutes,i was really curious at this point,it was almost 12 am,i kept trying to guess where he would take me so late at night,when my birthday was about to be done.

"Lets put on some music,we still have 15 minutes left,you can connect your phone" damien said
I connected my phone and started playing 'call it what you want' by taylor swift.
And to my suprise,he knew all the lyrics, we were both singing it together.
"You like taylor?"i asked him smiling.
"I don't like her,i frickin LOVE HER,i have a playlist for every mood" he said
I was in complete awe,this cold hearted guy liked taylor?
"You didn't seem so into her when we were dancing while lover played"
I asked him.
"Y-Yeah cause i was totally focused in the dance"he said

I can't believe she is sitting in my car,i can't believe i danced with her today,i can't believe i get to be so close to her,is she so clueless,or is she really a dumbass,how can she not know?

i'm into her more than anything else in this world,i literally forget everything else when i'm with her,whenever i'm sad or angry,i look at her,she just shines to me that it makes me glow in any situation,she's like a ray of sunshine,she's my daylight.

I looked over to see her quietly singing all too well 10 minutes version.
"Ayy don't disrespect all too well like that,raise your volume,and SCREAM" i said as i began screaming the lyrics,she giggled and joined me too.

Man her giggles,that smile,when she looks me in the eye,when she gets nervous,i love all of that,i could be with her forever,i may not be her firsts but i definitely am gonna be her lasts,i'm gonna be her fucking endgame.


We reached finally,it was super dark out,it seemed like he brought me to a mountain,it was so high.
"Your not gonna kill me are you?" I asked jokingly.
"I would have,if it wasn't your birthday today" he said.
"Oh then i guess i am allowed to kill you right now" i said laughing.
He giggles and grabbed my hand taking me somewhere.
We reached the edge of the mountain,where the whole city night lights were visible from.


"Oh my goodness"i covered my mouth at the amazement of the gorgeous view.
He looked at me smiling the whole time i looked at the view.

He looked at me smiling the whole time i looked at the view

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"You are a man of class i must say Mr.Style"i complimented him.
He sort of blushed and went to the car to grab something.
He came back with two cup and a hydroflask,he began filling the cups with i think it is COFFEE?! OMG.

"AAAAH!,JUST WHAT I NEEDED!"I squealed at the sight of that brown beautiful liquid.
He grinned like a child while coming towards me with the cups.

It was 11:56 right now,my birthday had almost ended.
We were both sitting with our legs in the air,sipping coffee,talking about random things.
"So why did you bring me here" i asked him
He stopped and looked at me.
"I was feeling a little lonely,since my mom and sister are back in London,and i almost have no true friends here,your honestly the only person i want to spend this day with" he said.

I was confused,what day is he talking about?
"What do you mean?" I asked
He looked at me and said
"It is actually,my birthday today"he said very lowly.
"OH MY GOD! DAMIEN ARE YOU FOR REAL?!" i screamed and kept my coffee mug aside,turning fully towards him.
he looked at me very questionably.
"w-well i'm telling you now?" He sounded like i was holding a gun.
"I cannot believe you,this whole day i was receiving special treatment,and i cut the fucking cake,everyone celebrated my birthday while you were aside,i feel so guilty,GOD DAMIEN!"i raged completely.
"Hey hey look relax,it doesn't matter to me,i never took my own birthday seriously since i always celebrate it alone,this may be the first time i ever told anyone about it,and i wouldn't want to celebrate it with anyone other than you"he said.
I was feeling nervous for some reason.
"Ah,look at me,didn't even wish you yet" i got up as i said it,he did the same.
I went in for a hug,it was tight,yet comforting,he hugged me back,carefully,like i was glass,and he was afraid to break it.
"Happy birthday to you~happy birthday to you~" i sang the birthday song and we went back to chatting again.
"You know i've never ever gotten so close to somebody so easily,i mean even with lillian,it took me years"i said.
"I'm glad you feel comfortable with me,your the only person who i'm close to,as crazy as it sounds" he said as i giggled.
"Hey so uhm,what were you doing in that club,that night?" He asked me.
I laughed as i remembered that night "haha,so to seem cool,i dared myself to hook up with a random stranger,so that the group would stop babying me" i said.
"Oh wow,thats not what i imagined at all,im SO glad i stopped before stuff got serious"he said.
I awkwardly laughed.

We were now heading back home,i don't think i have ever felt this feeling,a feeling when your going home,which means you have to leave the person who is your actual home,i did not want to head back home,i wished this night would have been longer,this might have been the first time i wished my birthday was longer,and i officially no longer hate my birthday,since i'm sharing it with someone close to my heart.

I was back to my boring life,in my office working on something i dont even like.
When suddenly Soyeon burst into my office with a phone in her hand,
She looked worried,tensed and stressed.
"RILEY,LILLIAN IS MISSING"she almost screamed,trying to catch her breath
wait what?what does she mean?how can lillian go missing,where is he? What's going on?

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