Update 2

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Well, I can't keep promises at all...

Finally back in the motherland buuuut I had to do a lot of stuff, and I mean A LOT.

I had to keep my sister company because she went to the hospital, had to install a stove alongside the furniture of an entire office, filed a legal complaint against a guy because of harassment, and will go to court for that. According to my lawyer, I will win and as a bonus, I will get money. You know, the usual.

But anyway, the new chapter is mostly finished. All that's left to do is to edit it, and fix the grammar and the spelling but sadly that will take time because tomorrow I have a bus to catch.

Been busy due to upcoming local elections too because I'm a volunteer so there's also that.

Man, I just can't catch a break, can I?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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