Author's Notes Vol. 1

39 15 1

Wow, I did not expect people to actually like the story soooo, hurray!
Great success for good ol' me.

I'm having tons of fun while writing A Tale of Discovery and I'm shocked with the amount of support I'm getting so thank you all!
Anyway back to the notes part. 

Frankly speaking, I have almost 8 pages of Lore written down, ready to be sprinkled here and there but I sometimes mess up while transferring them into the story. That's why I edit A LOT of the previous chapters as I keep noticing my mistakes or if something doesn't fit the Lore I have in mind.

I completely rewrote chapter 1 and reuploaded it since it had weak writing and weak dialogue before. I almost cringed at my mistakes. Good news is that I'm getting better with each chapter, good enough to fix my past mistakes (God I wish I could do that IRL). This doesn’t mean that I’m completely changing stuff however, I’m just fixing mistakes I made. The only complete re-haul was chapter 1 and that's because the writing was weak. Characters and the plot are 100% the same as before, just expanded on a little bit with stronger dialogue.

Second, I fixed a couple of issues with the 2nd chapter. For example, I made Lila a naive country bumpkin who doesn't even know the concept of money but in the first version of chapter 2, she bet 10 copper pieces on whether the people were her's or not. But the next chapter, when she yoinks Looter John's pouch, she has no idea what money is. This had to be retconned to fit the narrative and I'm kind of embarassed about it.

As for the pacing, I know that some parts are moving fast and some parts are moving extremely slow. Things will get better after chapter 6 though. This is because I wrote the first 5 chapters as the prologue to the story, to give information about Lila, Crystal and the world in general.
Yes I know there isn't enough info about the world so far since all we know for sure is that Crystal was really, REALLY important. Important enough to make a group of mages and soldiers to come check.

Even my friends are criticizing me for not revealing more but to that, all I can say is "patience." Slowly but surely, the story will pick up. Lila finally left the village and there's nothing else for her to do there. Imagine playing an RPG and getting 100% with each area before moving on, that's what I had in mind and that's how I'll continue the story. Literally no stone left unturned. Yes I know it'll drag on at some point but I can't help myself, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to this.
As for the plot, it's currently unclear in the story but I have it written down too. Like I said, patience is the key here again.

Anyway, thanks for everything! I love all of my readers, you guys are the best. I always wanted to pick up writing and to see that you people like what I'm putting on the table means a lot to me. Kinda like George McFly from BTTF, I never thought people would like my ideas but here we are, reviews and praises coming left and right.

Take care and stay in tune for chapter 6, it's going to be a banger!
-Frosty I. Frost

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