Chapter 4: This is Wrong...isn't it?

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~Raine's POV~

After they cleaned me up they helped me back into my clothes before laying me in my bed and both taking a side each to sandwich me between the two of them. I curled into Shawns chest while Jaxon curled up to my back spooning me while i curled into the warmth surrounding me  I forgot that I wasn't the only one who lived in the apartment, I knew Tyler would be home soon and I am not sure if I could explain this to her in a way that wouldn't make her head explode.

"Your both going to have to leave really soon...I don't know how to explain this to Tyler if she comes home. You both have to go and honestly I don't know what this was but it can never happen again. I am your secretary or assistant or whatever. and that's it. I can't believe that I even let this happen in the first place." I say sitting up and climbing over shawn so i was standing in front of them before grabbing the displaced top sheet that was on the floor and wrapped it around my body, realizing I felt completely exposed to the world once I was standing.

I walked out of the room and into my bathroom not letting them say anything else on the subject. I heard rustling behind the door I had just closed and leaned against before the apartment front door was opened and closed. I was then gifted the sound of silence. I looked down at the sheet still clutched around me before collapsing on the floor in tears. I had let two men take advantage...I was saving myself and now, now I used goods...I cried even harder at that thought and shook my head before climbing into the shower and removing the sin from my skin, scrubbing so hard that my skin went red but I couldn't care less I just wanted to cleanse myself.

Once out of the shower i put my hair up into a tightly wound bun and got to cleaning my bedroom, the guys sure made a mess of my bed...The fact that I even said that made me turn bright red, I couldn't believe I let this happen. I pulled up the blankets and sheets before tossing the sheets into my hamper near the door and remade my bed with fresh purple sheets and threw my comforter on it and my pillows before blowing out a breath and sliding into the blankets burying myself in the blankets. I wanted to just melt into the bed and forget this night even happened.

I heard the lock click and the front door open again sometime late and i just shrunk even further into my bedding making sure Tyler doesn't see me or see if im awake. maybe she will le me be...Wishful thinking.

"Rainey, you awake? did you get the job? how was Mr. Wolf?" Tyler said coming into my room and sitting on the bottom of the bed grabbing my foot through the blanket. It was like she had a sixth sense and could tell when I was awake even when I tried to not show I was.

"Y-yeah I got de job but I don't know if this is truly a job I would take... It seems really complicated and the office diamics are...well let's just say I am NOT a good fit for their company." I say from underneath the covers refusing to come out and show her my tear stained eyes and runny nose so I made sure I kept under the blankets.

"Why are you hidding under the blankets? what do you mean not a good fit? Do I have to guess or do I have to rip these blankets off your face and force you to tell me?" Tyler said while standing from the bed I'm guessing by the weight being lifted off the foot of the bed.

I sighed and uncovered myself showing the tear stained cheeks and said "I don't. Want. To. Talk. About. It." And covered myself back up and locking the blankets down around me so she wouldn't be able to tear them from me.

"Fine whatever you'll tell me when you're ready. Just know I'm here ok Raine?" She said in a soft tone before leaving my room with a soft thud of my door. At last I was left to silence and to my own thoughts.
After she left and I was alone I sighed and closed my eyes knowing that in actuality my being alone is only delaying the inevitable, I will HAVE to tell her what had happened, and SOON, otherwise I'm gonna have to deal with a major pain in the ass until she gets it outta me. This peace wasn't peace, it was an allowance.

I fell asleep hidden away and was rudely awakened by a loud knocking coming from our front door. I tried to get out of bed forgetting that I was cocooned in my blankets and fell rolling out of the covers, more than a little annoyed, I stalked over to my door wrenching it open and doing the same to the front door before saying "What?! What is it that you had to bang repeatedly on a woman's door at this hour!?!"  My voice rising with each word not really seeing who was in front of me as sleep had not fully left me and I was still only able to see that two figures were in front of me.

Blinking rapidly after not hearing an answer my eyes adjusted only I wish they hadn't. Because lo and behold I just tore the two men who had, only just last night,  ravaged my body with only their mouths and hands.
"What the hell do you think your doin sleepin in? We hired ye fee a job did we not?" Mr.Wolf spoke first shoving his hands through his perfectly done hair then pushed past me into my apartment. My eyes grew huge as I turned to look at Mr. Salazar who said "Did we give you the impression that we allowed our workers to no-call-no-show and NOT have any consequences? Really, piccolo, should we need a repeat of what happened in the elevator after your impromptu leave from your interview?" All the while walking towards me making me back into my apartment more allowing him to just walk right in without being rude and close and lock the door behind him. His smile on his face once he was finished speaking was a sympathetic one that when his eyes traveled down my body turned lustfull and needy before he looked away and cleared his throat moving to the couch in the family room.

I looked down at myself as he left and blushed with was no doubt bulging eyes, I had forgotten in my irritation and just waking up that I hadn't changed into anything after my shower so all I had on were panties. No bra, no shorts, and definitely no tank. I was redder than a red delicious apple I ran to my room slamming and locking the door behind me. I leaned against the door and let my heart rate that had spiked since I realized the two men I had let see me in my birthday suit and make me feel things no man ever has, were standing at my front door. Once I was calmed down enough to move I raced to my closet and grabbed the first outfit I could think of and threw it on before looking at myself in the mirror hanging on the back of my door and smirked, I looked good. I had grabbed my favorite plain black blouse and a pair of black straight legged Levi's and black converse, black was one of my favorite of all time colors and it figures that in my haste I go for it the most.

Satisfied with how I looked I opened my door quietly and was met with Tyler's door wide open and the sound of three voices in a conversation in the family room. I walked quietly out of my room hugging the wall so they couldn't see me and peaked around the corner carefully. Tyler, Mr. Wolf, and Mr. Salazar were all seated on the couches, coffee's in their hands deep in conversation. As not to disturb and out of curiosity as to what they were saying I quickly leaned back against the wall to listen for a moment.

I must have leaned back too hard and made a sound because the next moment I blink and there stands Mr.Wolf in front of me a look in his eyes I can't place. I open my mouth to say something when his face comes down, almost as if to kiss me, but his lips went lower landing on my collar bone and his nose nestling in the crook of my neck inhaling before saying "spying isn't nice, maité. Do I need to teach ye a lesson?" so lowly I almost couldn't hear it over my heart beat before kissing my collarbone tracing it with kisses inching his way up my neck.

A rumble came from his chest that seemed to reverberate through his whole body even his lips that were planting slow soft kisses along my neck. My legs began to quake beneath my weight, as if they were no longer able to withstand my weight, and my heart rate quickens making it loud in my ears.

Black spots started to appear in my vision, getting bigger with every agonizingly slow kiss.
"You smell AMAZING maité, like honey, vanilla, and dark chocolate. You're mine mo grá, my maité." He whispered between kisses and that was all it took for the black spots to take over my vision completely and all I see is darkness.

~~~Authors Note~~~
Sorry everyone I know it's been a while since I wrote a chapter but here is chapter 4 and hopefully chapter 5 will be done tomorrow night. If not I hope y'all had a merry Christmas and have a happy new year! ❤️

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