Chapter 12: Dreams and Answers?

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~~~~~~Raine's POV~~~~~

After the movie we all went to bed because honestly I was tired. On Sunday the men had to go do something and so I lounged around and got to read books I'd never dreamed of reading and was absolutely enamored with them that I hadn't realized till both men came through the front door that I had indeed spent the ENTIRE day reading.

"Ello love, what have yeh been up teh? Have yeh ate yet? Sorry it's so late." Shawn said while taking his suit jacket off and folding it over his arm. "Or have yeh been sitten there all day readen?"

"Yeh I didn't even realize I had been sitten here this long until yews walked in." I said while biting my lip and crossing my hands behind my back bringing with them the book I was reading, with my figner in one of the pages to keep my place.

I took the book from behind me back and bit my lip my eyes moving around the room looking around for something to place in the stead of my finger when Jaxon appeared with a small piece of silk that he placed in between the pages, taking the book from my hand and placing it on the seat I had just popped up from.

"Well then, piccolo, ora di mangiare, ti portiamo in cucina.(Time for food, let's get you to the kitchen.)" Jaxon said, wrapping an arm around my waist sending not only shivers but a fiery ache along with it everywhere our skin touched. I couldn't breath for a minute and could only assume whatever he said and his hand gesture that we needed to go to the kitchen.

Maybe I need to think about learning Italian...and Galiec. I thought as we walked over to the kitchen. I sat down on one of the stools that was at the breakfast bar at the end of the island and Shawn walked over grabbing a bottle of wine, showing it to Jaxon who shook his head nodded over to the left twice and then he put it back moving over two and grabbing a white this time and started decanting it.

Jaxon meanwhile walked around the island after making sure I was seated and not going to fall and opened the fridge and started pulling out food to make us dinner. Once everything he needed he went about grabbing pans and pots before asking "So piccolo, anything interesting you've read today? Or thought of?" and continued to prepare our dinner.

"I didn't realize yew were both into vampire literature, much less some pretty steamy BDSM collection. Very interesting to read I might add but fascinating dat yew two read what we would call chick books or womens novels?" I said, biting my lip watching the muscles ripple in Jaxons arms as he began dicing some onion and peppers and zucchini before depositing them in a pan. I couldnt get over how either one of thes god-like men could possibly want me.

"Yes, we happen to find it quite entertaining. The BDSM books are mere guides and fun for us to enjoy, well, before you that is. Now that we have you, those books won't be of any use to us. If you have any questions or want to try anything from them though, please let us know." Jaxon said with a deepe husk to his voice.

I blushed and looked down and then when I looked up again as if like magic, Shawn was at my side with a glass of white wine and a smirk playing at his lips. I couldn't understand how they moved so quickley but just shrugged it off to me being lost in my own head. I could never think straight around these two I've found.

I grabbed the glass and took a sip letting the taste of it swirl around my tongue. It was sweeter than last night. I swear I could taste hints of honey and vanilla. It was incredible. I moaned softly knowing that they wouldnt hear me and said "This is amazing, What are yew making over there? Can I help at all?" I asked to keep my mind off the look that was in both mens eyes as I finished my sip. I swear it was like they heard the moan I had made but that simply wasn't possible.

"I thought I would make some burritos for dinner. I felt like having Mexican food tonight." Jaxon said throwing ground beef in the pan witht he now sauteed onions and peppers. I just nodded letting my mind wander and sipped on my wine.

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