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   "Morning Mom and Dad!" I shouted as I rushed down the stairs. "Why in such a rush, sweetheart?" My mom asked. "Missed my alarm." I answered as I grabbed a banana. "I love you guys!" I kissed my mom and dad and rushed out of the door to my new school, Francoise Dupont High School. When I reached the doors, I ran into Chloe and Sabrina. "Oh, Y/n! Hi, how are you?" Sabrina asked. "Let's go, Sabrina!" Chloe demanded. "Oh, sorry, Chloe. Uh, bye, Y/n!" Sabrina ran off.

   Before I could say 'bye', the bell rang and I ran to class. "Sorry I'm late, Ms. Bustier!" I exclaimed as I entered the classroom. "It's okay, Y/n." Ms. Bustier smiled before turning to the class. "Everyone, I would like to introduce our new student: Y/n Didié." I waved to the class as Ms. Bustier introduced me. "Y/n, could you sit by Marinette? Alya, could you move by Lila?" She suggested. "No problem, Ms. Bustier." A girl who I guess was Alya stood up and walked to the back of the classroom.

   Once she sat down, I walked to the seat where she once was and sat down. "Um, hi. Marinette, right?" She looked at me with harsh eyes. "Yeah. What's it to you?" She asked. I wasn't paying attention to her words, but at her hair. A strong pink streak in her bangs contradicting the beautiful blue color of her hair along with her makeup. "Hey!" She called out, snapping me out of my trance. "Huh? What?" She rolled her eyes. "Oh, sorry! My name is Y/n Didié, even though you probably know that already, haha." I laughed nervously.

   "So, uh... what do you like to do?" I asked after a long amount of silence between us. "Why do you care?" She asked annoyed. "Because I want to get to know you. Here, I'll start. I like to (insert what you like to do). Now it's your turn." I smiled. "What I like to do? Uh... I guess I like to design clothes and stuff." She shrugged. "Really? That's cool! Did you design the outfit you're wearing? It's really cool!" My eyes practically sparkled. "Y/n, please quiet down." Ms. Bustier asked. "Huh? Oh, sorry!" I apologized.

   "But, yeah. I did design this." Marinette whispered. "That's so cool? I might ask you to design something for me sometime!" I giggled and I saw a hint of a smile on her face. "I can't wait until lunch." I sighed, slumping back in my chair. "Can I sit with you?" I asked. "Sure, I don't care." She shrugged. "Hey, you see that kid down there with the blonde hair?" She pointed to someone in front of me. "Who's that?" I asked. "It's that stuck up model Adrien Agreste. He joined this school not long ago and I hated him ever since." She growled.

   I looked down at him and watched as he fiddled with a pen quietly. "I'm sure he can't be that bad-" "No." She cut me off. "What?" I looked back at Marinette. "He's that bad, trust me. Don't get your hopes up." Just then, the bell rang. "Come on, it's time for lunch." She stood up and walked out. "Wait, where are you going, isn't the cafeteria this way?" I pointed to where everyone else is going. "Yeah, but I have a better place to go for lunch." She looked around before she ran out of the school.

   'This girl's crazy!' I thought, but I decided to follow her. I looked around like she did and sped out of the school behind her. While we were running, I felt like someone was watching me. I stopped running and looked around, hoping that it was just my imagination. "Y/n..." A voice whispered. "Who are you? What do you want," I asked, looking around more frantically. After completing a full turn, I noticed a small box in front of me. "What the hell?" I picked the box up and shoved it in my coat pocket.

   I turned around completely again before running after Marinette. "What took you so long?" She asked. "Sorry, my shoe was untied." I lied. "Whatever, here we are." We both looked to her right to see a bakery. "Woah!" My eyes lit up. "And look what I have," She sang as she pulled out a key ring with multiple keys on it. "Come on, Y/n." She unlocked the door and I walked in behind her. The smell of cinnamon waved throughout the air and I admired the small but full bakery. I looked around until I found a sink; Washed my hands, and went to grab a bag and load it with snacks. "How did you find this place?" I asked as I stuffed my face with a jelly-filled croissant.

   "How do you think? I live here." Mari answered as she pulled the croissant out of my mouth. "You what?" My mouth dropped open. "Come on." She walked around the counter behind us and started walking up an abundance of stairs. She looked through the key ring and grabbed another key. We walked into a wonderfully decorated house and I admired every part of it. "You live here? It's so pretty!" I sighed happily. "It's nothing really. Too bright if you ask me." She rolled her eyes. "Well, yeah. I mean almost the entire place is white." I giggled. "Where does this staircase lead?" I asked, walking up. I lifted the door-looking thing and continued up the stairs.

   "Welcome to my room." Mari walked up behind me. "It's so... you." I looked around. "Yeah, it's awesome, I know." She smiled as she took off her shoes and I did the same. She climed up a staircase, climbed into her bed, and opened up a door above her head. "What are you waiting for? Come on." She jumped out of her bed and out that small door. "Oh!" I ran up the stairs and jumped out behind her. "Pretty awesome, right?" She laughed at my surprised expression. "Yeah," I sighed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time: '12: 26' my phone read. "Holy crap! Mari, we gotta go!" I grabbed my snack bag and rushed out of her bedroom. "It's not that serious, wait up!" She called as I almost fell over to put my shoes back on.

   "Well, it's still my first day, so it kind of is!" I finally slipped my last shoe on. We rushed down the stairs and bolted it back to school. We made it back to class just in time and we laughed at how out of breath we were. "Do you do this everyday?" I asked as we walked to our seats. "Not everyday, but pretty often." She smiled before a huge frown replaced it. "Why the sad face?" I asked. Just then, I saw the familiar blonde hair. "Oh," I sighed. "Is he really that bad, Mari?" I asked. "Yes, he is. Promise me that you won't talk to him. Ever." She grabbed my shoulders. "Ok, ok. Fine." I conceded.

   "Good," She sighed as we sat down.

After school~

   "Hey, uh... Y/n, right?" I heard a voice behind me. I slowly turned and the first thing in sight was that blonde hair. "Yeah, and you are?" I asked. Yes, I already knew his name, but he didn't need to know that. "I'm Adrien Agreste. You've probably heard of my father, Gabriel Agreste." He looked down at his feet. "No, actually. Plus, I like to get to know people for them, not who their parents are." I smiled.

   Ok, okay. *Pauses* Hey everyone, it's me. Yeah, me who's also you. So you know how we promised Mari we wouldn't talk to him? Yeah, we crossed our fingers. Back to whatever you want to call this. *Unpauses*

   "Really?" His eyes lit up. "I mean, uh... yeah. Cool, whatever." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Y/n!" Mari called. "I gotta go, see you around, Agreste." I waved and ran off. "You weren't talking to him, were you?" Mari asked me quietly. "Of course not." I answered, crossing my fingers behind my back once again as we walked back to her house/bakery. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, Mari!" I waved and walked off.

(1382 words)

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